Some Facts About Death
Death is a mysterious subject—one that many are ill at ease in discussing. But the Bible can provide one with an altogether different perspective.
Singin’ the Blues
To many, the fact that modern society appears to be immersed in filth and debauchery portends nothing but gloom. Others look on the brighter side and attempt to seize the opportunities.
Are Some Sins Greater than Others?
Are some sins “greater” than others? There is a sense in which any sin will condemn. There is another sense in which greater responsibility is attached to some acts of sin. Explore this topic with us.
Earth: Young or Old? Does It Matter?
Is the earth billions of years old? Does it matter? What does the evidence reveal?
Did God Create Evil?
How can God be viewed as good, when the Bible suggests that he created evil?
Alfred Edersheim on Ancient Society
This editorial discusses the comments of the Jewish scholar, Alfred Edersheim, on the moral character of first-century Roman society.
New Archaeological Discovery—The “Temech” Seal
A few days ago news sources announced the discovery of a stone seal from the rubble of Jerusalem that relates to a family name in ancient Jerusalem. Read about this fascinating “find.”
The Berkeley Project
This is a review of the Berkeley Project, supposedly designed to clone Jesus Christ.
Is Holy Spirit Baptism Available Today?
Since the “baptism of the Holy Spirit” was bestowed upon the household of Cornelius, some wonder why the same experience cannot be received today. This article explains why Spirit “baptism” was an experience unique to the first century.
Why I Don’t Believe in Miracles
This article is a response to professor Philip Hefner’s Newsweek article repudiating miracles.
Charles Darwin’s Eroding Credibility
The average “layman” who subscribes to the theory of evolution champions Charles Darwin as the great luminary of this materialistic philosophical system. What many do not realize, however, is that not all scientists, even in the evolutionary community, bow before the British naturalist.
What Is Worldliness?
The term “worldly” is not uncommon in our language. But what does the word really signify?
Behold, the Man!
Pilate paraded Jesus before the crowd and exclaimed, “Behold, the man!” (Jn. 19:5). Significantly, this very phrase is found in an Old Testament prophecy that heralds the coming of Israel’s Messiah.
When a Pagan King Challenged Jehovah
Sennacherib sent a great army to Jerusalem. Through his military officials, he made a series of threats, the design of which was to bully the Hebrew king.
Can Christians Speak in Tongues Today?
Is the gift of speaking in tongues still being given by the Holy Spirit?
Command or Culture: Discerning the Difference
What is a command in the New Testament and what is merely cultural and not binding today?
God Made No Distinction
Peter affirmed that God “made no distinction” between Jews and Gentiles with reference to the matter of salvation. In other words, both Jews and Gentiles were to be redeemed in precisely the same fashion.
Calvinism and the Great Commission
There is a terrible conflict between Christ’s “Great Commission” and the Calvinistic dogma of predestination. It has not been unnoticed even by the disciples of the Swiss reformer.
What About Christian Fellowship?
There are extremes to the left and right on the topic of Christian fellowship.
The Preposition “Eis” in Acts 2:38
It has long been known that denominationalists, welded to the theory of salvation by “faith alone,” repudiate the connection between baptism and the forgiveness of sins. Some, formally sound on this issue, now are capitulating to sectarian error. Take a brief look at this issue with us.