Defending the Faith with a Broken Sword — Part 1
Can we do more harm than good when defending the truth with incorrect reasoning?
National Security — The Real Solution
How can we secure the future of our nation? What is the solution to homeland security?
The Second Death — Separation or Annihilation?
There is a growing movement in “Christendom” to repudiate the biblical doctrine of a “hell” that is characterized by everlasting torment, as a result of being separated from God. This is a deadly position that must be opposed vigorously.
Why Did Paul Say, “Let God Be True...”?
In what seems to be a rather blunt statement, Paul wrote to the Roman Christians, “Let God be found true, but every man a liar.” (Romans 3:4). What is the meaning of this challenge?
Corinth – A Troubled Church
The church in Corinth had numerous spiritual problems, one of which was its tolerance of flagrant immorality. In his letter to this church, the apostle delivers a sharp rebuke. Happily, it produce a healthy result.
2 Corinthians 6:1 – The Grace of God
Many entertain the notion that grace is some sort of divine blanket that is unconditionally thrown over the sinner to cancel the effect of his sin. This is a serious misconception.
Are Choirs and Solos Authorized for the Church Assembly?
Is performance singing with praise teams, choirs or solos acceptable in the worship of Christ’s assembly? What are the arguments for and against this modern movement?
Jesus Showed Himself Alive By Many Proofs
What evidence is there that Jesus actually rose from the dead?
What About a Saturday night Observance of the Lord’s Supper?
Is a Saturday-night observance of the Lord’s Supper just as good as observing it on the Lord’s Day?
Holocaust: Why Did It Happen?, The
Civilized men lament the Holocaust (1933-45) as one of the darkest eras of modern history. There is, however, almost a conspiracy of historical silence—few journalists care to reflect upon just why Hitler and his associates perpetrated that infamous evil.
A brief survey on worship as taught in the Bible.
Amos 1:1-2:3 — Judgment upon the Nations
The judgment pronounced on pagan nations by Amos the prophet point to the accountability of all people to the laws of God.
The Christian and Depression
In spite of relative prosperity, better health, and considerable freedom, many people (even Christians) suffer with depression. What does the Bible say about depression? Is there a spiritual solution for this mental state?
All Things Work Together for Good: Controversy or Comfort?
Romans 8:28 has been a tremendous comfort to Christians for twenty centuries. In this article, Wayne Jackson does a textual study of this amazing passage.
Why Was Jesus Baptized?
Why was Jesus immersed at the hands of John the Baptizer? Many have a difficult time understanding this pivotal event in the life of our Lord.
Do the Imprecatory Psalms and Christian Ethics Clash?
Troubled souls often raise such questions: If all parts of the Bible are equally inspired, how do you explain passages like Psalms 69:22-28, which call for punishment upon one’s enemies?
What Role Does Childbearing Play in Woman’s Salvation?
What was Paul’s meaning when he affirmed that woman could be saved through her child-bearing (1 Timothy 2:15)?
Those “Testimonies” Regarding Miracles
Testimonies regarding alleged “supernatural” occurrences in folks’ lives are as frequent as they are fabulous. But are they to be given credibility, simply because someones says, “I experienced a miracle”? How does one measure the so-called “miraculous” events?
Burden-bearing: It’s the Law
Are law and love incompatible? Not according to Paul. We fulfill the law of Christ when we love others like Jesus loved us. Consider the valuable role you can play in the life of someone who is struggling now under the weight of unbearable burdens. Through Galatians 6:2, Christ is calling you to help lighten your brother’s burden for the sake of his soul.
A Rose Is a Rose; Or Is It?
One dirty little trick used to confuse sincere people about the purpose of baptism.