Ezekiel 12:13 — The Blind Ruler
The prophet Ezekiel accurately prophesied the details of the capture of the king of Israel.
Solomon’s Reflections on Death
In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon reflected on some of the issues pertaining to death. His observations conflict with many modern religious ideas.
Larry King Hosts Pat Boone, Max Lucado, and Others
Pat Boone appeared on Larry King Live to ask for prayers and miracles on behalf of his grandson. Is his faith misdirected?
Those Bogus “Bible Codes”
In recent years much publicity has been given to certain “Bible codes” that are reputed to predict future events. Some even claim that these codes are evidence for the divine origin of the Scriptures. What are the facts? Wayne Jackson addresses this in this month’s Feature article.
The New Slavery
Most everyone of the civilized nations finds the practice of human slavery abhorrent. The shocking fact is, however, slavery exists in profusion today, though it is scarcely recognized by most people. Read this engaging article on the “New Slavery.”
Enuma Elish: A Babylonian “Creation” Account
An ancient archaeological find shows striking similarities between the Babylonians’ understanding of the history of creation and the creation account of Genesis.
Acts 10:6 – Simon, the Tanner
The Bible is such a marvelously rich volume. It contains countless tiny details — little nuggets of truth containing great lessons — which one is likely to pass over in his reading if he is not very studious. Let us consider for a moment an interesting narrative in the book of Acts.
1 Timothy 2:4 — Salvation through Knowledge
This striking passage clarifies the connection between one’s knowledge of the truth and his salvation.
1 Corinthians 14:26 – Presentation Worship
Does 1 Corinthians 14:26ff authorize solos or choirs in New Testament worship?
Can Christians Speak in Tongues Today?
Is the gift of speaking in tongues still being given by the Holy Spirit?
Questions About the Genesis Flood
Did Noah’s Flood really cover the entire earth? And was it really possible for him to carry all the animals in his ark?
On Radicalism and Making Reckless Accusations
It is time for a return to an era of fidelity that is seasoned with common sense and brotherly concern.
BLAME IT ON RELIGION: Dawkins’ “Missile” a Dud
Richard Dawkins, one of atheism’s most vocal spokesmen, blames the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 on “religion.” But the article “misfires” and leaves the Oxford professor in the lurch.
All Good People Go to Heaven — No Matter What?
The nation’s attention was riveted to the testimony of nine coal miners who had been trapped deep beneath the earth’s surface in Pennsylvania. One miner expressed concern for his soul, since he’d never been baptized. Another assured him that he was okay — but was he? Jason Jackson discusses this episode in this week’s Penpoints.
James 3:1 – A Warning for Teachers
James 3:1 contains an important warning for teachers. Good teachers will be wonderfully blessed in heaven; bad teachers will be judged with severity.
Link between Evolution and Abortion, The
What theory can possibly rationalize the act of killing an unborn child? Some attempt this ethical manipulation by the use of an antiquated argument employed in defence of Darwin’s theory of evolution.
Three Quick Points from 1 Timothy 2:4
Paul encouraged Timothy to pray on behalf of all men. This brief verse contains a number of important points to note in the margin of your Bible.
What About the Harry Potter Books?
How should the Christian evaluate the Harry Potter book series?
The Extended-Sabbath Argument and Darwinism
Sometimes Christians are intimidated by the massive propaganda campaign advanced by the followers of Charles Darwin. One indication of this is the common acceptance of evolutionary chronology, i.e., the idea that the Universe is billions of years old. Some, in an effort to find biblical support for the “long-ages” of history presupposition, have argued, on the basis of Hebrews 4:9, that the “days” of the creation week were vast ages. This week’s Penpoints examines this argument.
Exploiting Human Weakness: A Look at Vice Taxation
Christians need to oppose wrong-doing on the basis of principle, rather than capitulating to compromising crumbs thrown to us from the tables of politicians.