What About Catholicism’s Ideas About Mary?
Why does the Catholic Church place such great emphasis upon Mary, the mother of Christ? Is this proper?
Revelation 5:6ff – Jesus Christ: The Lamb Who Had Been Slain
The Greek tenses in Revelation chapter 5 reveal important points about the nature of Christ’s death and resurrection.
Matthew 18:26 – An Unpayable Debt
A closer look at one of Jesus’ parables intensifies the point intended by our Lord.
Revelation 6:9-11 – Are the Dead Ones’ Souls Sleeping?
What happens to the “soul” at the point of death? Is it conscious, or does it exist in a state of “sleep,” totally oblivious to its environment?
New Video Promotes Homosexual Agenda
A new video, designed to promote the gay-lesbian agenda, was shown at the White House in mid-December.
Acts 26:8 – Can God Raise the Dead?
Does God have the ability to raise the dead? Paul affirms in his defense to Herod that he does.
Will the Earth Abide Forever?
Does Ecclesiastes 1:4 prove that the earth will abide forever?
Bee-havior Points to God
For centuries bees have been the objects of careful study by scientists. They are amazing creatures indeed (the bees that is), bearing the imprint of divine design in so many ways.
1 John 2:1 – The Advocate
Christ is our attorney, pleading our case before the Father. What a thrilling concept!
Haggai 1:6 – A Bag with Holes
The Old Testament prophet Haggai instructs us on what is really important — and what is not.
Divorce and the Guilty Party
May the guilty person in a divorce because of fornication remarry?
Coping with Problems
The Bible provides answers to many of our problems.
How Many People Were in Jerusalem When Jesus Was Crucified?
Is there any way to know how many people were present in Jerusalem when Jesus was crucified by the Roman soldiers?
Do Angels Minister to Christians Today?
Are angels ministering to Christians today?
Genesis 1:1-2 – The Gap Theory
Some point to Genesis 1:1-2 as a biblical basis for the Gap Theory. Yet a brief study of the grammar of this passage shows there is no such basis.
The Work Ethic
We are living in a time when the “work ethic” is suffering enormously. More and more people want to do less and less for higher pay.
1 John 2:18—Who Is the Antichrist?
Is the antichrist a character soon to be revealed on the stage of world events? Who is this person?
Genesis 8:11 – Did the Dove Really Find an Olive Tree?
Is the account of Noah’s flood accurate? How, the critic wants to know, could the dove have plucked a fresh olive leaf from a tree that, a week earlier (Gen. 8:10), had been totally submerged in water?
Mark 6:17-18 — An “Unlawful” Relationship
The case of Herod Antipas is instructive for modern-day issues of marital relationships.
2 Corinthians 2:6 – The Sufficient Punishment
The divinely prescribed method of church discipline is effective.