Exploring the Concept of Priesthood
The study of the concept of priesthood contains many valuable facets. It also is fraught with religious error. This article discusses both of these aspects.
Leviticus 5:17 – Ignorance and Accountability
Is “ignorance bliss” with regard to sin? Not according to the Scriptures.
A Response to: “Yes, We Baptize Babies”
All loving parents want their children to be saved. But is infant baptism helping our children reach that goal? Or is it a dangerous and unscriptural practice that should be abandoned?
Are Logic and Scripture Compatible?
Not only are logic and Scripture compatible, they are inseparable. If we understand the Bible correctly, and use valid reasoning, biblical truths are concluded.
LaGard Smith’s New Book: ‘After Life’
LaGard Smith is a “scholar in residence” at Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee. This lawyer/author has recently created a mild sensation with the publication of his latest book, After Life. In this week’s Penpoints, Wayne Jackson provides a brief review of Smith’s book.
LDS Baptism Annulled Due to Protest from Jews
A recent news item regarding the Mormon doctrine of “proxy baptism” highlights the inconsistencies of the practice and is the subject of this week’s Penpoints.
Dispensationalism and Zechariah 14
Zechariah 14 has no reference whatever to a millennial reign of Christ upon the earth.
Who Is the “Natural” Man in 1 Corinthians 2:14?
In a letter to the church at Corinth, Paul affirmed that “the natural man does not receive the things of God.” Some allege that this text suggests that one cannot understand the Scriptures without direct guidance from the Holy Spirit. But, as Wayne Jackson demonstrates in this article, this view reflects a misunderstanding of the apostle’s argument.
Immanuel — God Is With Us
The name “Immanuel” in Hebrew means “God is with us,” and the prophecy finds its fulfillment in the birth of Jesus Christ.
Is the Restoration Plea Valid?
Perhaps the answer to a decline in Christianity is to restore the church as found in the New Testament.
The Compassion of Christ
Jesus demonstrated compassion for hurting people in his life and in his teaching.
How to Go to Heaven — Sincere, but Wrong
A kindly friend comes calling with a tract on “How To Have a Home In Heaven.” Unquestionably they are sincere. But is sincerity a valid substitute for truth? Jason Jackson addresses this issue.
The Soul’s Anchor Is the Hope of Heaven
Only the truth gives hope — real hope — and, as the American poet Wallace Rice put it, “hope is the patent medicine for disease, disaster, and sin.” In this article, Jason Jackson surveys several biblical expressions in which the word “hope” appears. These phrases teach us about the Christian’s future.
Seven Steps to Greater Bible Understanding
Here is a simple seven point plan to help one start understanding the Bible and its remarkable message.
The Last Supper
Poignant words concisely spoken are echoed in worship assemblies every Lord’s Day. In remembrance of him, Christians recall the words of Jesus, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many unto remission of sins” (Matt. 26:28).
Calvinism and the Great Commission
There is a terrible conflict between Christ’s “Great Commission” and the Calvinistic dogma of predestination. It has not been unnoticed even by the disciples of the Swiss reformer.
What Is the Purpose of Bible Genealogies?
Why are all those lists of names in the Bible?
Does God Limit His Own Foreknowledge?
Is there biblical evidence that, in some cases, God has limited his own foreknowledge?
Praying for the Dead
In times of great crisis, people cry out to God in prayer. While this is understandable, prayers for the dead are both futile, and contrary to biblical truth.
Psalm 95 — A Message of Urgency
Psalm 95, and echoes thereof in the New Testament, speak eloquently to the man and woman of today. Those who “have ears to hear,” should do so with great dispatch. Are you listening to God’s voice?