Our Amazing Zip Code System
With every advancement in our understanding of life, especially our own bodies, the fingerprint of an all-powerful, all-wise Creator is even more clearly seen.
A Valuable Reference Work to Enhance Your Library
New Archaeological Discovery—The “Temech” Seal
A few days ago news sources announced the discovery of a stone seal from the rubble of Jerusalem that relates to a family name in ancient Jerusalem. Read about this fascinating “find.”
Language Keys that Unlocked the Past
Archaeology, time and time again, has confirmed the accuracy and reliability of the Bible as a historical document.
Was Paul’s Theology Consistent on “Conversion”?
Those who teach that salvation is solely by faith, without further acts of obedience, have a difficult time reconciling Paul with himself. Study this matter with us.
The New Testament Compared to Classical Literature
The New Testament was completed by the end of the first century. How do we know that the documents have come down to us with integrity over the past twenty centuries? It is a fascinating study. The evidence is stunning.