A Simple Study of the Word “Must”
Words are vehicles of information; even the smallest words can be packed with meaning. Such is the case with the term “must.” Often overlooked; more often ignored, this important word must be studied carefully.
False Ideas Regarding Death
False notions about death permeate society’s thinking. Is death just an illusion? Is reincarnation a reality? Will we recognize each other after death? What about purgatory or speaking with the dead? What does the Bible say about these common beliefs about the dead?
Clapping as an Accompaniment to Singing in Worship
Does clapping with singing aid our worship with inconsequential zest or is it an addition to what has been commanded in scripture?
Don’t Judge Me!
A common defense mechanism is: “Don’t judge me!” But is all judging condemned in the Bible?
The Birthplace of Jesus: Bethlehem or Jerusalem?
Was Jesus born in Bethlem or Jerusalem? The Bible teaches it was Bethlehem. The Book of Mormon alleges it was in “the land of Jerusalem.” Examine the evidence for yourself.
The Google “Gag” Order retaliates against the Christian Courier’s “The Progressively Aggressive ’Gay’Movement” article. No better example of aggressive behavior could be cited.
Paul’s Spectacular Journey
Study with us the thrilling text in 2 Corinthians, regarding Paul’s spectacular journey into Paradise.
The God Who Heals
It goes without saying that a God who can create a man from the “dust of the ground” (Gen. 2:7), also has the ability – if he so chooses – to heal.
The Mandate for Christian Unity – A Study of Ephesians 4:1-6
Why is there so much religious diversity in the world—or even in the community of “Christendom”? Surely such is not the ideal will of God. Let us consider this theme most carefully.
Demons: Ancient Superstition or Historical Reality?
Both the Bible and ancient documents refer to demons. But was demonic possession an historical reality or merely a superstition from unenlightened days?
All Things Work Together for Good: Controversy or Comfort?
Romans 8:28 has been a tremendous comfort to Christians for twenty centuries. In this article, Wayne Jackson does a textual study of this amazing passage.
The Mystery of God
In the Book of Colossians, Paul develops the theme of Jesus Christ’s role in the great “mystery” of God. In this article, Jason Jackson explores this exciting theme.
A Reflection Upon Three Crosses
In the spring of A.D. 30, three men were crucified just outside the city of Jerusalem. A consideration of the historical facts associated with each is rewarding indeed.
A Common Faith and Common Salvation
The Scriptures speak of the “common” faith and the “common” salvation. Does this term allow for the divergent views and practices in today’s world of “Christendom”? Does it permit various modes of “salvation”?
The Haunting Question from the Cross
During the six hours in which he hung upon the cross, the Lord Jesus uttered seven sayings. Surely the most perplexing of these was his plaintive question, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46).
Crossing the Rubicon
The expression “Crossing the Rubicon” is famous for deadly decisions that cannot be retracted. There are many of these in life that elicit some reflection.
What Do You Know About Demons?
The study of “demons” is a fascinating yet challenging topic in biblical literature. There is much to be learned from a survey of this theme.
The Holy Spirit and the Apostles
The Holy Spirit was promised by Christ to his apostles for their special work.
The Value of the Factious Spirit
If one believes in the ultimate conquest of good over evil, he can see, even in factiousness, something of the good, the positive, and the noble.
Some Great Needs: An Interview with Wayne Jackson
Steve Lloyd is a respected gospel minister who edits an electronic journal, A Closer Look At Things Pertaining to the Faith. In a recent issue he interviewed Wayne Jackson regarding some of the needs in the church today. This is the text of that dialogue.