Nuggets from the Book of Philemon
Though Paul’s letter to Philemon is very brief, it is packed with rich nuggets of truth that truly reward the serious Bible student. Reflect upon some of these points with us in this article.
Jesus Christ: Church Inspector
Jesus noted both desirable and undesirable traits of the seven churches of Asia in the opening chapters of Revelation. His observations can be of supreme value today to those who desire to please Christ.
Harold Camping’s New Revelation: “Leave the Church!”
In 1992, Harold Camping, radio preacher out of Oakland, California, “prophesied” that history would end in 1994. It didn’t. Now, he is suggesting that the “great tribulation” is upon us, and all Christians should abandon the church. Read this review of the gentleman’s latest theory.
Are the Dead “Asleep”?
Why do Christians teach that the dead are conscious, when the Scriptures refer to death as “sleep”?
The Role of “Works” in God’s Plan of Redemption
Many sincere people labor under the illusion that “works” play no role whatever in Heaven’s plan of redemption? Is this a correct view? Actually, it is not. Study this theme with us in this week’s Penpoints article.
Did Jesus Institute Ceremonial “Feet-Washing”?
Why don’t most Christians practice church “feet-washing” today, since Jesus did say, “you ought to do this”? We are responding to this sincere question in this week’s Question period.
What About the Bible and Slavery?
Does the Bible condone slavery? If so, how does the Christian reconcile this with the biblical concept of the intrinsic worth of every human being as a creature made in the image of God?
What Is a Publican in the New Testament?
Jewish tax collectors were hated in the first century. But Jesus loved them anyway, and they form the basis of an interesting profile study on Christ’s ministry.
Was Paul’s Reference to His Cloak a Meaningless Triviality?
Some claim that Paul’s request for his cloak was a “trivial” reference, unworthy of the claim of verbal inspiration.
Praise the Lord – A Study of Ephesians 1:1-14
When we contemplate who God is, what he has done, and what we will be, we will know exactly for what we should praise.
Giving as an Expression of Worship
If the New Testament places upon the Christian the obligation to “give” of his means unto God, and he neglects that responsibility, he has refused to worship his Maker, at least in that respect.
Amos, David and Instruments of Music
Does Amos 6:5 censure David’s introduction of instrumental music in worship?
Building Character before the Concrete Sets
The time to work on your child’s character is when they are young, not old.
God Wants Me To Be Happy
Many people in today’s world justify their immorality by the rationalization, “God wants me to be happy.” But is “happiness” to be found in vile indulgences? Take a serious look at this issue in the light of God’s word.
Matthew’s Account of the Virgin Birth
Matthew records eleven arguments establishing the virgin birth of Christ — an important doctrine related to Jesus’ divine nature.
What About Moderate Social Drinking?
This article responds to a number of arguments which attempt to defend the practice of social drinking.
Who Is the “Natural” Man in 1 Corinthians 2:14?
In a letter to the church at Corinth, Paul affirmed that “the natural man does not receive the things of God.” Some allege that this text suggests that one cannot understand the Scriptures without direct guidance from the Holy Spirit. But, as Wayne Jackson demonstrates in this article, this view reflects a misunderstanding of the apostle’s argument.
Does the Bible Encourage Hatred?
Sometimes the Bible condemns hate. Sometimes it seems to encourage it.
An Atheistic Assault upon the “Design” Argument
An atheist thinks he has crafted an ingenious argument against the time-tested concept of “design demands an intelligent designer.” But his reasoning is logically flawed and internally inconsistent.
Pascal and Paul
Blaise Pascal (1623-62) had a brilliant mind. He became convinced of the genuineness of the Christian religion. At times, however, his argumentation left something to be desired.