When Silence Is Eloquent
During his trial before Pilate, Christ boldly confirmed that he was a king, but that his followers did not fight—a bold claim since hours earlier one of his disciples attempted to decapitate a government official. Why, then, was this one little statement by Christ not exploited by his enemies?
Abraham – A Case of Old Testament Accuracy
Several important achaeological discoveries demonstrate once again the uncanny accuracy of the Bible.
Was Judas “Predestined” to Betray Christ?
A sincere reader wants to know whether or not Judas was “predestined” to betray Christ. He feels that certain New Testament passages suggest that he was. This week’s Question discusses this issue.
What About Polygamy?
Is the practice of polygamy acceptable today? What about in other countries?
Harold Kushner’s Messiah
When Harold Kushner wrote a book for children with religious questions, he de-personalized the “Messiah” of the Old Testament. Without any justification whatever, he simply re-wrote history. Such is the epitome of arrogance.
Separated from My Mother’s Womb
Many fail to appreciate the mysterious operation of divine providence. Paul was quite aware of it.
Sanitizing Entertainment
A family video store near Salt Lake City edits videos for the very reasonable price of only five dollars.
Is a “Loveless Marriage” Scriptural Grounds for Divorce?
When “Sick at Heart” wrote to “Dear Abby” concerning her loveless marriage, Abby directed her to seek a “spiritual advisor.” One such advisor wrote in with his perspective. Was it spiritual? For advice to be spiritual and beneficial, it must be scriptural. Jason Jackson challenges “Reverend” Norman L. Conaway’s claim to be providing spiritual advice.
I Know My Redeemer Lives
Do we know that Christ, our Redeemer, is living today? If so, how do we know this? Is such merely by a feeling within our “heart”? Reflect seriously upon this matter for a moment.
Some Fools in Proverbs
In the book of Proverbs, Solomon examines wisdom versus foolishness. Along the way, he describes several kinds of fools. This article addresses three of these.
Darwin’s Disciples: The Modern Epicureans
When Paul visited Athens, some twenty centuries ago, he encountered the pagan Epicureans. The modern counterparts of these heathen philosophers are found in the disciples of Charles Darwin. Professor Benjamin Wiker has forcefully demonstrated this sad reality in his recent writings.
What About Daniel’s Prophecy of the General Resurrection?
Did the prophet Daniel foretell the general resurrection of the dead at the end of time (12:2), or was this a mere figure of speech pertaining to some local event?
The Use of “Hell” in the New Testament
There is a great deal of confusion among religious folks regarding this word due to the fact that the English form “hell” actually represents three different terms in the Greek New Testament.
The Role of “Works” in God’s Plan of Redemption
Many sincere people labor under the illusion that “works” play no role whatever in Heaven’s plan of redemption? Is this a correct view? Actually, it is not. Study this theme with us in this week’s Penpoints article.
What Is Adultery?
Several years ago, it would hardly have been necessary to discuss the meaning of “adultery.” Now many believe that adultery is merely the act of repudiating one’s marriage vows, rather than unauthorized sexual conduct involving one who is married.
Questions from the Book of Romans
What is the law of sin (Rom. 7:25) and what is the “law written in their hearts” (Rom. 2:15)?
The Alleged Perpetual Virginity of Mary
The recent discovery of an ossuary (bone box) in Jerusalem that contained the phrase “James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus” has rekindled the controversy as to whether Mary had children other than Jesus. Catholicism claims she did not. What does the actual evidence reveal?
Languages of the Bible
The original languages of the Bible are three: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. If one wishes to be a careful student of the Scriptures, he will want to do some research concerning the biblical languages.
Genesis 1 and Dinosaurs
Is it possible that dinosaurs and humans inhabited the same early earth? If so, why aren’t dinosaurs mentioned in Genesis 1? Study this issue with us.
Are Logic and Scripture Compatible?
Not only are logic and Scripture compatible, they are inseparable. If we understand the Bible correctly, and use valid reasoning, biblical truths are concluded.