Author: Wayne Jackson
What does Paul mean when he stated that he had delivered Hymenaeus and Alexander unto Satan? What great sin warranted this action?
Author: Wayne Jackson
Is it wrong for Christians to consult the Ouija Board? Is this merely an innocent pasttime? This week's question looks at this issue.
Author: Wayne Jackson
Our web site elicits much mail from our readers. Some of it is very critical. This article briefly reviews a letter from a Mormon gentleman in Bulgaria.
Author: Wayne Jackson
Do the signs of Matthew 24:3ff pertain to the impending destruction of Jerusalem, or do they depict conditions near the end of time? Some allege that Matthew 24:21 prohibits an interpretation that focuses upon Jerusalem's destruction in A.D. 70. Wayne Jackson responds to this objection.
Author: Wayne Jackson
A recently-published book, <b>Rescuing Jesus from the Christians, </b> seeks to throw the spotlight on some of the alleged "errors" in the beliefs and teaching of Jesus Christ. The fact is, Clayton Sullivan, the author, has revealed how very little he knows about Gospel history. Wayne Jackson briefly reviews this new volume.
Author: Wayne Jackson
Babylon was destroyed for her pride. Jeremiah accurately prophesied this monumental event in ancient history.
Author: Wayne Jackson
What was Paul's meaning when he affirmed that woman could be saved through her child-bearing (1 Timothy 2:15)?
Author: Wayne Jackson
A popular Christian teacher recently stated that sincere people, regardless of their religious affiliation, should not be discouraged from praying for miracles. In this week's Penpoints, Wayne Jackson respectfully challenges this assertion.
Author: Wayne Jackson
Was Cornelius, the Roman centurion, saved before and without baptism? Some so claim.
Author: Jason Jackson
Many speak of being "called" by God. From the biblical perspective, how is this accomplished? In this week's Question and Answer session, Jason Jackson addresses this inquiry.
Author: Wayne Jackson
In the concluding portion of the book of Job, God introduces, as an example of his power, the great creature, Behemoth. What was this great creature? Wayne Jackson discusses the various theories offered by way of identification.
Author: Wayne Jackson
Last week the nation was thrown into a firestorm of controversy when the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the phrase "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance, when recited in schools, is in violation of the U.S. Constitution. Wayne Jackson offers his thoughts on this issue.
Author: Wayne Jackson
Paul encouraged Timothy to pray on behalf of all men. This brief verse contains a number of important points to note in the margin of your Bible.
Author: Wayne Jackson
Are dead people able to view the activities of their loved ones who are still alive?
Author: Wayne Jackson
A seemingly casual reference to the eagle's wing more than 2,700 years ago is remarkably scientifically accurate.
Author: Wayne Jackson
Many claim that if the Bible does not explicitly prohibit a practice, then man is left to innovate his own religious system. But what does the Lord say about those who practice such things that he "commanded not"?
Author: Wayne Jackson
In a letter to the church in Corinth, Paul said: "I think I have the Spirit of God" (1 Cor. 7:40). Was the apostle uncertain of his possession of the Holy Spirit? Read this discussion of this puzzling passage.
Author: Wayne Jackson
Occasionally a book will appear among the people of God that is so fraught with error that it requires comment. Such is the case with the recently-published, <b>Theology Simplified.</b> This week's Penpoints takes note of this volume.
Author: Wayne Jackson
While some modern day religionists deny the eternal deity of Jesus Christ, the Bible teaches differently. One example of such a conflict is the Watchtower organization's denial that Jesus is Jehovah.
Author: Wayne Jackson
While some modern day religionists deny the eternal deity of Jesus Christ, the Bible teaches differently. One example of such a conflict is the Watchtower organization's denial that Jesus is Jehovah.