
Soul and Spirit: What's the Difference?

Author: Wayne Jackson

What is the difference between a soul and a spirit in the Bible?

Stephen J. Gould (1941-2002)

Author: Wayne Jackson

Harvard's noted anti-creationist, Stephen J. Gould, recently died after a lengthy battle with cancer. In this article, Wayne Jackson comments regarding the professor's controversial legacy.

Isaiah 7:14 - Did Isaiah Prophesy the Virgin Birth of Christ?

Author: Wayne Jackson

Many liberal theologians, who do not believe in the predictive prophecy of the Old Testament, argue that the term "virgin" should be translated "young maiden." Is this true?

May Christian Women Teach Christian Boys?

Author: Wayne Jackson

May Christian women teach a Bible class in which some of her students may be young boys who have become Christians? Some strongly object to this. But is the objection valid? This article addresses this sensitive topic.

The Responsibility of the Bible Teacher

Author: Wayne Jackson

The church is facing a crisis in the early days of this new millennium. There is a drastic shortage of qualified Bible class teachers. Church leaders need to train new teachers, and those already in that capacity need to take their jobs seriously.

Those Bogus "Bible Codes"

Author: Wayne Jackson

In recent years much publicity has been given to certain "Bible codes" that are reputed to predict future events. Some even claim that these codes are evidence for the divine origin of the Scriptures. What are the facts? Wayne Jackson addresses this in this month's Feature article.

Daniel 3:6ff - Did They Really Burn People?

Author: Wayne Jackson

Were the events in Daniel chapter 3 recorded accurately? Archaeology once again confirms the authenticity of the Bible.

Is Holy Spirit Baptism Available Today?

Author: Wayne Jackson

Since the "baptism of the Holy Spirit" was bestowed upon the household of Cornelius, some wonder why the same experience cannot be received today. This article explains why Spirit "baptism" was an experience unique to the first century.

She Was "Slain in the Spirit"

Author: Wayne Jackson

Here is a case-study of a Pentecostal woman who, reputedly, was "slain in the Spirit." Unfortunately, she broke her arm and sued the church. Was she really slain in the Spirit?

Psalm 19, Scientifically Accurate

Author: Wayne Jackson

Critics often criticize figurative language in the Bible as being scientifically inaccurate. But even "scientists" use figurative language from time to time. In spite of poetic language, Psalm 19 does contain some descriptions of the sun that are scientifically precise.

Should the Ten Commandments Be Posted?

Author: Wayne Jackson

Why do some want the Ten Commandments posted in public places, when the New Testament teaches that the law was a ministration of death?

The Corinthian Church - Confidence or Coercion?

Author: Jason Jackson

The Corinthian Christians had promised a contribution for their poor brethren in Jerusalem. But they had failed to keep their pledge. How was Paul to motivate them to have a greater spiritual vision?

James 3:1 - A Warning for Teachers

Author: Wayne Jackson

James 3:1 contains an important warning for teachers. Good teachers will be wonderfully blessed in heaven; bad teachers will be judged with severity.

Are There Degrees of Blessedness and Punishment in Eternity?

Author: Wayne Jackson

Will there be different "degrees" of reward and punishment in the eternal order of things? The concept of "justice" -- together with scriptural declarations -- suggest there will be appropriate judgements.

A Skeptic Disputes the Resurrection of Christ

Author: Wayne Jackson

A former college professor has recently disputed the historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ. His comments are a good example of the weakness of skepticism's case. In this article, Wayne Jackson reviews his assertions.

John 11:3,5 - Jesus, Lazarus, and Agape Love

Author: Wayne Jackson

The account of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead helps us to understand the significance of <i>agape</i> love.

What Is the Meaning of "Shortly Come to Pass"?

Author: Wayne Jackson

Does this key phrase from Revelation 1:1 mean that John's prophecies would all be fulfilled within a short time span?

The Growing Defense of Sexual Child-Abuse

Author: Wayne Jackson

In recent years more-and-more "sex experts" are defending the vile practice of adult-child sexual relationships. This is but another symptom of the degenerating morality of American society.

Revelation 5:6ff - Jesus Christ: The Lamb Who Had Been Slain

Author: Wayne Jackson

The Greek tenses in Revelation chapter 5 reveal important points about the nature of Christ's death and resurrection.

The Mystery of God

Author: Jason Jackson

In the Book of Colossians, Paul develops the theme of Jesus Christ's role in the great "mystery" of God. In this article, Jason Jackson explores this exciting theme.