A Tribute to a Nameless Widow
Jesus once observed a poor widow contributing into the treasury of the Jewish temple. This incident is twice recorded in the Gospel records. Of what significance is this narrative? Study this fascinating account in this week’s Penpoints.
Does the Bible Refer to UFOs?
Does the Bible talk about UFOs? What is the meaning of Ezekiel’s prophecy of a “wheel within a wheel”? Had the prophet seen a flying ship from outer space?
The Death of Sennacherib: A Case Study in Prophecy
An amazing prophecy fulfilled in defense of Jerusalem from an Assyrian invasion.
The Subterfuge of the “Intelligent Design Movement”
Every logically thinking person instinctively knows that “where there is design, there must be a designer.” Even atheists concede the point. Those who follow the logic to its ultimate conclusion, and who seek to honor the great Designer, do not hesitate to affirm that the design evidence points to God. It is a great tragedy that some choose to conceal this fact.
So Help Me God
In the opening moments of the senate impeachment trial of President William Jefferson Clinton, ninety-six-year-old Strom Thurman asked the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court to place his hand on the Bible, and swear, before Almighty God, that he would execute faithfully his duties as judge in the legal business in progress.
Does God Condone Lying?
Did God cause people to lie by sending “lying spirits” to deceive?
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed is the title of a documentary movie that premiers across the nation on Friday, April 18. We encourage our readers to see this presentation.
Bible Accuracy
“To err is human.” This truth is forcefully illustrated when one examines the literary productions of mankind. Amazingly, however, the Bible is unblemished by the flaws that generally characterize man’s writings.
Habakkuk 1:2 – A Challenge to God
The background and purpose of the Old Testament book of Habakkuk reminds us of God’s providential activity among the nations.
The Value of Modesty
Is modesty a lost virtue? Can it be regained?
Hebrews 11—What Is Faith?
Hebrews chapter 11 is a biblical record of faith. The examples listed there are our road map to understanding true faith.
What Is Bible “Inspiration”?
What do Bible scholars mean when they speak of the “inspiration” of the Scriptures?
Does Starlight Require Millions of Years to Reach the Earth?
Does starlight require millions of years to reach the earth?
Progressively Aggressive “Gay” Movement, The
The so-called “Gay” movement in America is becoming increasingly aggressive. While Christians must exhibit kindness to all, moral principle cannot be compromised.
What Is Leviathan?
This article discusses the possibility of “leviathan,” mentioned in Job, chapter 41.
Can God Be Seen?
How does one reconcile Bible passages which suggest that some “saw” God, but, on the other hand, God cannot be “seen”?
Was David Really a Man After God’s Heart?
How can God describe David as a man “after my own heart” (1 Sam. 13:14; Acts 13:22) when he did all of those wicked things that are recorded in the Bible about him?
Firm Promises from God for Troubled Souls
When a Hebrew baby was given the name Ezekiel in the seventh century before Christ, it was almost prophetic of the spiritual resources the child would need for the years that awaited him.
Will the Earth Abide Forever?
Does Ecclesiastes 1:4 prove that the earth will abide forever?
Mark 2:5 – A Visible Faith
Mark 2:5 relates an account in which faith in Jesus is “seen.” Of what significance is this passage to the age-old “faith vs. works” discussion?