Nostradamus—Prophet or Pretender?
Was Nostradamus a prophet or pretender? Atheists allege his prophecies are just as impressive as prophecies found in the Bible.
Psalm 95 — A Message of Urgency
Psalm 95, and echoes thereof in the New Testament, speak eloquently to the man and woman of today. Those who “have ears to hear,” should do so with great dispatch. Are you listening to God’s voice?
Only a Step into Eternity
This article calls for reflection upon the need to be right with God, in view of sudden tragedies.
Is America Too Big to Fail?
While politicians are promising hope and change, we would be wise to consider where success and failure actually come from.
The Value of the Old Testament for Today
Christians recognize that the New Testament Scriptures represent the body of sacred literature to which men are amenable today. But does that mean that we disregard the value of the Old Testament documents? Indeed not. These holy writings contribute to our spiritual well-being in a variety of ways. This week’s Penpoints explores some of these.
The Middle East Conflict
Socially sensitive people are greatly concerned about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that continues to rage in the Middle East. Unfortunately, midguided political and religious commentators are adding fuel to the controversy. Who has the legitimate claim to the so-called “Holy Land”? This week’s Penpoints addresses this issue.
Every Spiritual Blessing Is in Christ
Every spiritual blessing that God the Father gives, he gives to those who are in Christ. Paul identifies in Ephesians 1:3-14 that Christ is the sphere in which God the Father blesses. How important it is to understand how one enters the redemptive relationship with Christ.
Evolution’s Useless-Organ Argument
A discussion of the so-called vestigial organs
Terror from the Sky
Our nation has been in the grip of fear and heartache following the violent terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. Wayne Jackson discusses some personal, spiritual reflections at this time of crisis.
An Introduction to Bible Figures of Speech
Human beings frequently express their thoughts by means of figures of speech. This procedure is likewise a part of biblical revelation. The person who does not understand the use of figurative language will not fathom many elements of Bible truth. This article explores the necessity of understanding some of the figures of speech employed in sacred scripture.
Matthew 28:19-20 – Four Important Points About the Great Commission
Four important points from Matthew’s account of the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20).
The Textual Basis of the Bible
It is a misguided endeavor to contend that the KJV is the only reliable translation available today, or even that it is the best one.
Joshua 6:2,16 – The Gift of Jericho
The account of Israel’s conquest of Jericho shows that grace may be conditional.
Jude 1 – The Possibility of Apostasy
The book of Jude argues forcefully against the misguided notion that no child of God can ever be lost.
The Language of God
Dr. Francis Collins, a notable scientist specializing in the mapping of genes, has produced a new book, The Language of God. The following is a brief review of this work.
My Husband Is a Snake
When people refuse to accept the true God, they can resort to the worship of most anything in an effort to satisfy their spiritual instinct. Read of one such bizarre case that recently attracted public attention.
An Evolutionary Anomaly or “Barking Up the Wrong Tree”
A new scientific article asserts that dogs, in some ways, are closer to humans than chimps are. This is a new twist. Actually, it is but another one of the many anomalies that cast suspicion upon Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution.
Help Me, Doctor!
Perhaps the most amazing thing about this procedure is the floodlight it casts upon the “person” inside the womb.
Parents, Obey Your Father
Parental responsibility means helping your kids go to heaven. It takes time, attention, and divine insight. Be there for your children — be a Christian parent. Jason Jackson considers Paul’s admonition to children in Ephesians 6:1, which must be taught by parents.
Jessie “The Body” Ventura Takes a Dive
While Mr. Ventura has enjoyed some initial popularity, his polls have taken a sharp dip.