What Is Meant by “the Spirits of Just Men Made Perfect”?
What is the meaning of that phrase in the book of Hebrews, “the spirits of just men made perfect”? In order to understand the expression, the surrounding context must be examined. This study does that.
Did Jesus Christ Exist in the Form of God on Earth?
Was Jesus fully God or less than fully God while he was on the earth?
Great Lessons from the Hall of Faith: Hebrews Chapter 11 Analyzed
Wayne Jackson analyzes the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, known as the “Hall of Faith,” discussing its themes of faith, redemption, and the superiority of the New Covenant over the Old. It explores the faith of Old Testament figures, the concept of faithfulness, and the ultimate glory awaiting all the righteous.
Does 1 Cor. 3:15 Support the Doctrine of “Eternal Security”?
First Corinthians 3:10-15 is a difficult portion of scripture. Calvinists contend that the passage teaches that though a child of God may suffer temporally for sins, he can never so sin as to be lost eternally. But what does this context really teach? Study this matter with us.
What Is the “Gift” of Celibacy in 1 Corinthians 7:7?
It is never right to do wrong. But wrong-doing is compounded even more when one perverts Scripture in seeking to rationalize his evil. This week’s Q&A segment deals with the “gift” of celibacy. What is it?
Take Two of These and Don’t Call Me in the Morning
This article discusses the growing inclination toward physician-assisted suicide.
Must We Do Something To Receive the Free Gift of Salvation?
Why do some claim that one must do something, such as being baptized, in order to be saved?
2 Kings 2:23-25 – Elisha and the Lads of Bethel
Some see the case of Elisha and the lads of Bethel as conduct unworthy of a prophet of God. Several alleged problems are addressed.
Isaiah 7:14 – Did Isaiah Prophesy the Virgin Birth of Christ?
Many liberal theologians, who do not believe in the predictive prophecy of the Old Testament, argue that the term “virgin” should be translated “young maiden.” Is this true?
America—A Nation Out of Control
Is America out of control?
Song of Solomon 1:1 – Solomon’s Song
Song of Solomon is a beautiful work of inspired literature that extols the bliss of genuine love after the divine order.
Three Prayers of Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving in prayer is a common theme in the Bible. This article focuses upon three “tenses” of prayers of thanksgiving.
Are Infants by Nature Children of Wrath?
Does the Bible say that little babies are by nature born in sin?
Psalm 95 — A Message of Urgency
Psalm 95, and echoes thereof in the New Testament, speak eloquently to the man and woman of today. Those who “have ears to hear,” should do so with great dispatch. Are you listening to God’s voice?
Who Is in Control of Death?
When a Christian loved one dies, folks often say, “God called him home.” Yet scripture seems to say that the devil has the “power of death” (Hebrews 2:14). Who does cause death?
A Study of Matthew 24
Matthew chapter twenty-four is a largely symbolic chapter of the New Testament that has been misinterpreted in two extreme directions.
Abraham – A Case of Old Testament Accuracy
Several important achaeological discoveries demonstrate once again the uncanny accuracy of the Bible.
Giving as an Expression of Worship
If the New Testament places upon the Christian the obligation to “give” of his means unto God, and he neglects that responsibility, he has refused to worship his Maker, at least in that respect.
Amos, David and Instruments of Music
Does Amos 6:5 censure David’s introduction of instrumental music in worship?
Is a Literal Interpretation of Genesis 1 Important?
Does it really matter how one interprets Genesis 1, so long as he believes the basic truth that God was the Creator?