Charles Darwin’s Eroding Credibility
The average “layman” who subscribes to the theory of evolution champions Charles Darwin as the great luminary of this materialistic philosophical system. What many do not realize, however, is that not all scientists, even in the evolutionary community, bow before the British naturalist.
Stranger? Or Family and Friend?
What a thrilling concept it is to transition from being a stranger to becoming a citizen, indeed, a family member and a “friend.” Our Lord once said: “You are my friends if you do the things which I command you” (John 15:14).
Was Christ Mistaken About His Second Coming?
Bertrand Russell once claimed that Jesus, if he ever really existed, was obviously wrong about his second coming. Was the atheist correct?
Is Man a Naked Ape?
English zoologist Desmond Morris once characterized human beings as naked apes. This was his cute, dramatic attempt to promote the theory of organic evolution. Is there any evidence to support this view?
Why Racists Hate Christianity
Christianity is viewed by promoters of hate and bigotry as an obstacle. Atheism, however, is not.
Faith-Based Bathing — A Friendly Review
In the July issue of the well-known protestant journal, Christianity Today, Dr. Timothy George responds to a question regarding the relationship of baptism to salvation. Wayne Jackson comments on this intriguing essay.
Developing Christian Confidence
Most of us would like to have more confidence. Unfortunately, too many people have grounded their confidence upon rotten foundations and have ignored the genuine basis of trust and boldness.
Psalm 3: A Morning Song
Psalm 3 is a morning song of David during a difficult time in the king’s life. It is brief, but brimming with instruction and comfort.
Reinventing Atonement
Modern critics are attempting to re-invent the reason for Christ’s death.
Did Jesus Christ Endorse Dishonesty?
Did Christ endorse dishonesty? Some critics so claim. The truth is, it is their dishonesty with the biblical text that is more than obvious.
Rehoboam Revisited
Rehoboam was a reckless king over the nation of Judah and his folly caused spiritual decay among the Lord’s people. What lessons might one learn from this tragic circumstance in ancient history?
Hezekiah’s Tunnel
Archaeology reveals interesting and important information regarding the historical, biblical record.
Addicted to Me
Meth ... pot ... fentanyl ... or “ME”? Which addiction has more victims?
Cruel and Unusual Postponement
Can a person uphold the value of life and at the same time argue for the death penalty? The truth is — we esteem life as sacred when we support the principle of capital punishment.
Judge Plagiarizes ACLU Pro-evolution Meanderings
The following article by Art Moore reveals that even some judges are not above unscrupulous conduct in writing their Opinions.
National Center for Science Education & Evolution
The charge that evolution “is in danger of being banished from our schools” is a lie—a lie being perpetrated for the sole purpose of attempting to raise money.
Al Gore on Evolution and School Violence
Former Vice President Al Gore comments on evolution and violence in the public schools
Christian Ethics and Legal Maneuvering
Christians are not only responsible to the laws of God, they are accountable to the laws designed to protect society. A relationship with Christ does not exempt one from legal culpability.
Scopes 2005: Evolution vs. Intelligent Design
A trial rages in Pennsylvania over whether or not the concept of “Intelligent Design,” as opposed to “random evolution,” is an appropriate subject for high school science classes. Why are evolutionists so fearful of this ID theme?
Did Jesus Endorse Situation Ethics?
Some claim that Matthew’s Gospel record (12:1-4) provides biblical precedent for the philosophy of situation ethics. They are wrong.