1 Timothy 1:16 – Believe unto Eternal Life
The Bible explicitly teaches that immersion is “for the remission of sins” (Acts 2:38).
Tora! Tora! . . . Torah!
For those who have any respect for the testimony of Scripture at all, the issue is clear. Moses was the author of the first five books of the Old Testament.
The Gospel Writers and Their Quotations from Jesus
When the Gospel writers cite the words of Jesus, they frequently vary their terminology. This is troubling to some. Is this circumstance cause for concern?
When Peter Stood Condemned
When Peter refrained from association with the Gentiles at Antioch, Paul declared that he “stood condemned.” Does this mean that, at least potentially, Peter could have been lost? Study this intriguing issue with us.
Is Suicide the Answer?
Suicide has reached almost an epidemic stage in this country. Many view it as an easy “exit” from this life of hardship and heartache. But is it?
When Infidelity Fashions Faith
A person’s faith should be fashioned by the Holy Scriptures. Unfortunately, many have allowed their beliefs to be forged in the furnace of unbelief. Many do not realize how much liberalism has shaped their approach to the Bible.
Babies: Those “Awful” Creatures!
Why would someone claim that babies are awful creatures?
Is God There?
When we are suffering, is God really watching over us? Does he really care?
The Fig Tree Incident—A Contradiction?
Bible critics allege that Matthew and Mark contradict one another in their Gospel accounts relating to the “cursing” of the fig tree and the cleansing of the temple. This week’s Q&A segment addresses this issue.
Confronting Islam: Examining the Qur’an
Should we avoid exposing the errors in the Qur’an to spare the feelings of our Moslem friends?
Baptism for the Dead: Revisited
Some while back we published an article reviewing the Mormon dogma of “baptism for the dead.” A distinguished professor at Stanford University disputes our argumentation. This is our response to the gentleman.
Genesis 6:1 – The Nephilim
Genesis chapter 6 states that on the pre-Flood earth there existed “mighty men” called the “Nephilim.” Who were these people? Wayne Jackson explores this intriguing subject.
Matthew 28:19-20 – Four Important Points About the Great Commission
Four important points from Matthew’s account of the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20).
Luke 1:35 – Gabriel vs. Mohammed
The Qur’an teaches that Gabriel delivered a revelation of God to Mohammed. But Mohammed’s message contradicts the Bible in a multitude of passages. Here is one of those instances.
Mark 7:19 – Unclean Meats
Many religionists still hold that there are unclean meats that should not be eaten. What does the New Testament teach?
James 3:1 – A Warning for Teachers
James 3:1 contains an important warning for teachers. Good teachers will be wonderfully blessed in heaven; bad teachers will be judged with severity.
Genesis 6:6 – Did God Repent?
Genesis 6:6 indicates that “it repented Jehovah that he had made man.” Does this mean that God regretted his creation?
Three Great Facts about God
There are many wonderful truths regarding God upon which the sincere soul should meditate. In this article we consider but three. Reflect upon these with us.
1 Corinthians 3:15 – Saved through Fire
Does this passage teach the much coveted doctrine of “the perseverance of the saints”? No it does not. This article explains why.
The Growing Interest in Angels
In recent years there has been a growing interest in the subject of angels. Do these creatures actually exist? Do they operate now, as they did in Bible times? This brief essay addresses these intriguing questions.