The Woolly Mammoth and the Ice Age
What do frozen mammoths actually reveal about the ancient earth?
Herodotus and the Bible
This article shows how the histories of Herodotus confirm the reliability of the Bible.
Job, Behemoth, and Dinosaurs
Chicago’s Oriental Institute – Biblical Archaeology
If you are interested in Bible archaeology, you will not want to miss visiting the famous Oriental Institute, should you be in the Chicago area. It is one of the finest museums in the country, containing a great treasure of artifacts related to Bible lands.
Myth or History: Did Jericho’s Walls Come Down?
This article examines two areas of Joshua’s conquest of Canaan: the battle of Jericho and the destruction of Hazor. Are the accounts accurate?
The Cyrus Decree
After the Jews had spent seventy years in Babylonian Captivity, Cyrus, king of Persia, issued a decree permitting them to return to their homeland. It was an amazing event in ancient history.
Babylon: A Test Case in Prophecy—Part 2
Part two of a two-part series examining the ancient city of Babylon and its role in Bible prophecy
Our Universe: An Amazing Machine
Our amazing universe is a wonderful, intricately designed machine.
Can I Be Happy in Heaven with Loved Ones in Hell?
How would it be possible for one to be happy in heaven, knowing that some of his loved ones are suffering in hell? This is a question that every thoughtful Christian has pondered at times. Is there a reasonable solution to this problem?
Five Questions About Evolution that Charles Darwin Can’t Answer
Here are five questions evolutionists can’t answer about the theory of evolution.
Modern Psychology and the Bible
Exactly what is “psychology” and how does this area of interest relate to the Bible?
Frauds in Science
There are many honest people working in the various fields of science, but it also is only fair to point out that there have been, and likely will continue to be, some real charlatans in the scientific community.
Does the Bible Refer to UFOs?
Does the Bible talk about UFOs? What is the meaning of Ezekiel’s prophecy of a “wheel within a wheel”? Had the prophet seen a flying ship from outer space?
Are Science and Faith Compatible?
Has the god of “Star Wars” replaced the God of the Bible in the minds of many?
Lessons from the Grand Canyon
Does the Grand Canyon provide visual testimony in support of the theory of evolution?
Manufacturing “Slave Babies”
Recent polls indicate that many Americans have no objection to the production of “designer children” from which to extract needed materials for the use of others. In the process numerous, innocent, unborn children will be sacrificed. Has our nation lost her conscience?
Cyrus the Great in Biblical Prophecy
A study of Cyrus the Great and his role in biblical prophecy
Is Accountability “Hereditary”?
Does one generation “inherit” accountability for the sins of a previous generation? Is “guilt” genetically transmitted? Some passages may seem to suggest this, but what is the truth of the matter? Study this issue with us.
Evaluating Evolution in Plain English
Many people believe that the dogma of organic evolution is as firmly established as the sphericity of the earth. But is it? Jason Jackson pulls the reputed “pillars” of this theory out from under it, and the doctrine crumbles under the weight of its own ill-conceived assertions.
Job’s Final Exam
Jehovah’s questioning of the patriarch Job demonstrates the futility of criticizing our Creator.