My People Are Destroyed for a Lack of Knowledge
Could Hosea’s assessment of Israel be applicable to the Lord’s people today?
Denominationalism: Permissible or Reprehensible?
Many folks within the domain of “Christendom” applaud the system of “denominationalism.” But does the “denominational” principle have the approval of Scripture?
Examining Premillennialism
Premillennialism, the doctrine that Christ will soon return to set up an earthly kingdom for a thousand years, is a popular idea these days. In this this article, Wayne Jackson examines this theory.
The Me-First Syndrome
It seems that everyone these days is afflicted with a “syndrome.” Though that term is considerably overused and misused, there are some spiritual maladies that might appropriately be called a “syndrome.” In this article we address one of these.
Blasphemy — What Is this Great Sin?
What is the horrible sin of blasphemy? Have I been guilty of it? Can one obtain pardon for it?
Baby Dedication Ceremonies: Expediency or Innovation?
The practice of having “baby dedication” services is becoming increasingly popular within some churches of Christ? Is this ritual a mere expedient, or does it reflect an unwarranted innovation? This article addresses this growing controversy.
Apostasy: A Clear and Ever-Present Danger
Is the Gospel of Judas True?
The National Geographic Society has once more attempted to capitalize upon the name of Jesus Christ by a promotion of the so-called “Gospel of Judas” in recent interviews, publications, etc. This controversy is much ado over nothing. In this article, Australian Christian scholar, Gary Young (Ph.D. in Roman history), puts this issue into its proper historical framework.
The Importance of Bible Chronology
Are the chronological data of the Scriptures simply a meaningless waste of biblical space? What significance do Bible dates have? Read this article and note that chronology is vital to the development of the redemptive message of Christ.
Why Do Some Theologians Reject Biblical Inerrancy?
The notion that the Scriptures are inspired of God yet contain errors in matters pertaining to history, geography, and nature is absurd.
A Divine Platform for Christian Unity
In Paul’s letter to the saints in Ephesus, there is a marvelous platform for Christian unity. In this article, Wayne Jackson discusses the components of the plan for sacred unity.
The Truth on Baptism Should Not Be “Watered Down”
Baptism is a controversial subject in the religious world. How should it be performed? Who is a proper candidate for baptism? What is the purpose of baptism? Conflicting answers abound. Throw in a mix of emotions, and it seems even more confusing. Jason Jackson responds to a sincere reader and looks at the New Testament in order to clearly define this important topic that gets “watered down” by so many religious leaders.
Should Christians Keep the Sabbath?
Does the fourth commandment apply today? Should Christians keep the Sabbath?
The Study of Biblical Words
The Bible is the verbally inspired Word of God, and by its words spiritual life is obtained. No person who is really interested in the eternal welfare of his soul can afford to neglect a careful study of the words of sacred Scripture.
Is All Remarriage After Divorce Condemned?
Some allege that all second marriages following a divorce are prohibited. Does this theory have the support of Scripture? Has the New Testament information on this matter been corrupted? Study this issue with us.
2 Peter 1:11 – The Eternal Kingdom
What is the “kingdom” to which Peter refers in the passage? Study this important topic with us.
The Old Testament and Incense
The Old Testament contains many references to the burning of incense. What lessons does this hold for us today? Let us meditate upon this theme together.
A Bible-Believing People
Your attitude toward the Scriptures determines how God’s Word will influence your life.
Was Christ Raised from the Dead on Sunday or Saturday?
What day was Jesus actually raised on? Sunday or the Sabbath?
Adam Clarke & Albert Barnes: Scholars from the Past
Adam Clarke and Albert Barnes were famous Bible commentators of a by-gone era. This “human interest” piece discusses some little-known facts about these distinguished gentlemen.