Thinking Straight About Abortion
This essay discusses the illogical positions that many argue with reference to aborition.
Do the Events at Cana Justify the Worship of Mary?
Is has been said that at the marriage feast in Cana of Galilee, Mary made a request of Jesus, and that he obeyed. This is supposed to show that she is worthy of praise and worship due to the influence she exercises over her Son. What are the facts?
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Ephesians 4:13 – The Unity of the Faith
Does the New Testament indicate that a time will come when miraculous gifts will be replaced by something better? What could be “more complete” or “unified” than the many differing gifts of the Spirit received by the first Christians?
Jehovah’s Witnesses and Armageddon
The “Jehovah’s Witness” view of the “battle of Armageddon” is but one example of the ineptness of this group to analyze biblical prophecy.
Faith-Based Bathing — A Friendly Review
In the July issue of the well-known protestant journal, Christianity Today, Dr. Timothy George responds to a question regarding the relationship of baptism to salvation. Wayne Jackson comments on this intriguing essay.
Larry King Hosts Pat Boone, Max Lucado, and Others
Pat Boone appeared on Larry King Live to ask for prayers and miracles on behalf of his grandson. Is his faith misdirected?
Reasoning from the Visible to the Invisible
Can one know that God exists? Can he know that he has been saved? If so, how? “Reason” with us on this important topic.
Are the Unfaithful Still “Christians”?
When a child of God abandons his faith, is it still appropriate to refer to him as a “Christian”? What is the significance of this revered name?
Philippians 2:6 – Existing in the Form of God
Did Jesus Christ lay aside His deity when He became human?
Hebrews 2:1 – Giving Heed to the Gospel
It is quite apparent that when one “gives heed” to the Lord’s will, he obeys the gospel.
The Extended-Sabbath Argument and Darwinism
Sometimes Christians are intimidated by the massive propaganda campaign advanced by the followers of Charles Darwin. One indication of this is the common acceptance of evolutionary chronology, i.e., the idea that the Universe is billions of years old. Some, in an effort to find biblical support for the “long-ages” of history presupposition, have argued, on the basis of Hebrews 4:9, that the “days” of the creation week were vast ages. This week’s Penpoints examines this argument.
What About Alcoholics Anonymous?
What is your opinion of Christians who attend AA [Alcoholics Anonymous] meetings or treatment centers to stop drinking?
Luke 11:13 — Asking for the Holy Spirit
The Scriptures do not teach, here nor elsewhere, that the Lord, in answer to prayer, supernaturally infuses His children with the Holy Spirit.
Who Are the “Enemies of Truth”?
Richard Dawkins, a professor at Oxford University, declares that religion is the “enemy of truth.” Is this really the case? Or is it he and his philosophical companions who are the real enemies of truth?
The City of Ten Thousand Memories
Jerusalem has been called the city of ten thousand memories. This article reflects upon J.W. McGarvey’s visit to that city more than a century ago.
Can a Christian Ever Be Lost?
1 Corinthians 1:8 – Confirmed unto the End
Some contend this passage indicates that miracles are a present-day reality. Wayne Jackson explains why this cannot be true.
Mark 6:17-18 — An “Unlawful” Relationship
The case of Herod Antipas is instructive for modern-day issues of marital relationships.
Words Fitly Spoken
Words are vehicles of communication. Since it is the case that “words” can lead either to salvation or to condemnation, it is important that Christians craft a vocabulary that expresses biblical ideas in their purest form. Study this issue with us in this month’s Feature.