The Beasts of Revelation 13
The Incredible Accuracy of the Bible: An Argument for Inspiration
Human writers often make careless errors, however, the Bible does not. The precision of God’s word is evidence of its divine origin.
Choosing a Man
Earl Edwards, long-time missionary and professor of Bible at Freed-Hardeman University, discusses some of the qualities needed by those who enter the mission field. He draws from his own rich experiences at a missionary to Italy for sixteen years.
Take Heed Lest You Fall
Does the Bible teach that a Christian cannot ever fall away from grace?
Exploiting Human Weakness: A Look at Vice Taxation
Christians need to oppose wrong-doing on the basis of principle, rather than capitulating to compromising crumbs thrown to us from the tables of politicians.
Seven “Laws” to Pray By
Does the privilege of prayer apply equally to every one? Are there limitations on objectives for which one may pray? Are there conditions regulating the effectiveness of prayer? Let us reflect upon these challenging questions.
A History of the Baptism Apostasy
The doctrine of baptism, as set forth in the New Testament, is scarcely recognizable in the modern world of “Christendom.” How did this strange and unwarranted change come about? Study this issue with us.
Who Made God?
A commonly asked question is this: “Who made God?” Some ask the query sincerely. Others frame it cynically. The answer is the same in both cases.
Does God Exist?
Are there good, logical reasons to believe that there is a God?
Questions About Missions
Jason Jackson explores some guidelines for fulfilling our responsibility to preach the Word abroad.
That Controversial Pledge, “Under God”
Last week the nation was thrown into a firestorm of controversy when the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the phrase “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance, when recited in schools, is in violation of the U.S. Constitution. Wayne Jackson offers his thoughts on this issue.
The Perfecting of Jesus Christ
A discussion of Hebrews 5:8-9.
Gold, Silver, and Iron: Three Rules of Human Conduct
Is the Golden Rule really all that golden? Yes, especially in contrast with two other rules of human conduct.
Preparing to Preach
Developing Christian Confidence
Most of us would like to have more confidence. Unfortunately, too many people have grounded their confidence upon rotten foundations and have ignored the genuine basis of trust and boldness.
Why Were Humans Created?
A university student is bothered with questions as to why human beings were created. Did the creation reveal a “need” on the part of deity? Join us for a discussion of this question.
Adam Clarke & Albert Barnes: Scholars from the Past
Adam Clarke and Albert Barnes were famous Bible commentators of a by-gone era. This “human interest” piece discusses some little-known facts about these distinguished gentlemen.
Belief as Used in the Book of Acts
A study of the word “belief” as it is utilized in the book of Acts.
Hard Sayings in the Bible
How does one account for some of those “hard sayings” in the Scriptures?
Jesus Christ and the “I Am” Expression