Was There Forgiveness Under the Law of Moses?
Why was forgiveness promised to the Israelites when the New Testament says their sacrifices could not provide forgiveness for sins?
In What Sense Is Man the Head of Woman?
Paul says “the head of the woman is the man” (1 Cor. 11:3). In what sense is this true? Does this apply only to religious relationships or is the principle broader?
A Rebellion in Heaven
Is there biblical evidence that there once was a rebellion among angels in heaven?
O Woman, Great Is Your Faith!
A brief devotional study on one of the greatest examples of faith during the ministry of Christ.
The Resurrection of the Wicked
The Bible teaches that both the righteous and the wicked will be resurrected from the dead. Such being the case, what will be the difference in the composition of these respective bodies?
The Great Mystery of Godliness
Paul’s great “mystery of godliness,” when unfolded, is rich indeed. It is the gospel in seed form. It is intellectually satisfying, emotionally rewarding, and practically motivating.
A Study of Romans 14
Romans 14 is an intriguing piece of literature. Often misunderstood and frequently abused, it offers much instruction for the spiritually minded student.
Must Terminally Ill Christians Artificially Prolong Life?
Must terminally ill Christians artificially prolong life?
Zechariah’s Amazing Prophecy of the Betrayal of Christ
Bible prophecy is one of the most powerful evidences of the divine origin of the Scriptures. Here is a truly remarkable prophecy from the book of Zechariah.
Enemies of Christ
There are two kinds of enemies of Jesus: those who campaign against him in public and those who are unwitting enemies of the cross.
Islam’s Denial of the Death of Jesus Christ
Mohammed’s system is vigorously opposed to the facts of the Christian gospel.
Defending the Faith with a Broken Sword — Part 3
The Lord expects his disciples to demonstrate a loving disposition, while, at the same time, defending the truth vigorously. All of us to some extent, have made errors in both of these areas. And sometimes, we do more harm than good when attempting to defend truth with incorrect reasoning. This is part three in a three-part series, “Defending the Faith with a Broken Sword.”
When Does a Human Person Begin?
Does a human person begin at conception, uterine implantation, viability, birth or at some point after birth?
May a Woman Ask a Question?
This question discusses whether or not a woman may ask a question in a Bible class without violating the Scriptures.
Are We Under Law or Grace?
A significant group of misguided souls alleges that the “grace” of Jesus Christ has dispensed with the need for “law.” This “antinomian” ideology is designed to throw the mantle of fellowship around those who have not obeyed the Lord in the process of becoming a Christian. The adversarial conflict that some see between “grace” and “law” is false.
An Instructive Episode in the Ministry of Paul
Why did Paul, who was an apostle, go to Jerusalem in Acts 15 to settle a dispute in the early church.
Our Universe: An Amazing Machine
Our amazing universe is a wonderful, intricately designed machine.
A Study of Biblical Types
One of the most fascinating areas of Bible study is that of typology—the study of Scripture “types.”
May A Woman Ever Teach A Man?
Is there New Testament authority for a woman to EVER teach a man in any circumstance?
Matthew’s Account of the Virgin Birth
Matthew records eleven arguments establishing the virgin birth of Christ — an important doctrine related to Jesus’ divine nature.