The Character of Atheism
Someone has said that you can tell something of the character of a person by the heroes he has. There may be something to that. Atheism extols hypocrisy.
Languages of the Bible
The original languages of the Bible are three: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. If one wishes to be a careful student of the Scriptures, he will want to do some research concerning the biblical languages.
The Curse of Covetousness
Wealth can be a great blessing if used in God’s service. But covetousness is a curse.
History of Instrumental Music
Though the use of mechanical instruments of music in worship are common in both the Catholic and Protestant communities of "Christendom, " most people do not realize that this function was unknown to the churches of the apostolic age. Rather, the practice was an innovation that came centuries after the establishment of Christ’s church, and such was wholly without New Testament authority. Noted scholar William Woodson discusses this digression in this month’s Feature article.
About This Web Site
Should the Ten Commandments Be Posted?
Why do some want the Ten Commandments posted in public places, when the New Testament teaches that the law was a ministration of death?
The Meanings of “Righteous”
This article explores the use of the word “righteous” in Scripture.
The Saga of Shebna
An interesting archaelogical find may provide incidental confirmation of an Old Testament narrative.
The Earth: A Planet Plagued with “Evil”
Though the earth was once a paradise, it is now a planet plagued with “evil.” Why are there so many problems within our earthly environment? Study this challenging issue with us in this month’s Feature article.
Does Ezra Deserve Criticism?
After the return from Babylonian captivity, Ezra commanded certain men to put away their foreign wives. A professor in a Christian college has criticized the man of God for this action. Is the censure justified? Let’s take a look.
What Is the “Gift” of Celibacy in 1 Corinthians 7:7?
It is never right to do wrong. But wrong-doing is compounded even more when one perverts Scripture in seeking to rationalize his evil. This week’s Q&A segment deals with the “gift” of celibacy. What is it?
What About Christian Fellowship?
There are extremes to the left and right on the topic of Christian fellowship.
What About Daniel’s Prophecy of the General Resurrection?
Did the prophet Daniel foretell the general resurrection of the dead at the end of time (12:2), or was this a mere figure of speech pertaining to some local event?
The English Standard Version and Micah 5:2
Did the ESV translate Micah 5:2 in the best possible fashion? There is some controversy about this matter; study the issue with us.
Those Bogus “Bible Codes”
In recent years much publicity has been given to certain “Bible codes” that are reputed to predict future events. Some even claim that these codes are evidence for the divine origin of the Scriptures. What are the facts? Wayne Jackson addresses this in this month’s Feature article.
The Origin of Christianity
The impact and influence of primitive Christianity must be explained in its supernatural origin.
The Belly Button Argument
A gentleman recently attempted to negate the divine proclamation that God made heaven and earth, and everything therein, in six days (Exodus 20:11). His argument can best be characterized as “belly button” logic. We here review it briefly.
John Shelby Spong: Anglican Nightmare
John Shelby Spong, a retired bishop of the Anglican Church, has made a career of being a rogue “priest” who assaults almost everything that is sacred within the Christian religion. His outrageous ideology has been an embarrassment to many of his Anglican kinsmen. This week’s Penpoints focuses upon some of Spong’s theological aberrations.
The Siege of Jerusalem
The destruction of God’s own city, Jerusalem, is a vivid warning to you and to me — of but yet another prophecy.
The Erosion of Marriage
America is undergoing a serious erosion of one of the most sacred institutions of humanity—that of marriage. Such will continue to eat away at the very vitals of human existence.