The City of Ten Thousand Memories
Jerusalem has been called the city of ten thousand memories. This article reflects upon J.W. McGarvey’s visit to that city more than a century ago.
Don’t Get Old!
Some people despise their accelerating agedness. Growing old ought to be the most rewarding time of one’s life. Perhaps these thoughts will help you.
The Truth about The Da Vinci Code
The so-called Da Vinci Code has been the topic of animated conversation for some time. What are the facts about this mysterious “code”?
Fundamentalist Mormonism Is the Original Mormonism
The Fundamentalist Mormon Church has been in the news of late, with the raid on the Texas Temple and the rescue of women and children from their peril. News outlets have repeatedly stated that this “Fundamentalist” movement bears no relationship to the Mormon Church in Salt Lake City. That is a serious misconception.
Stranger? Or Family and Friend?
What a thrilling concept it is to transition from being a stranger to becoming a citizen, indeed, a family member and a “friend.” Our Lord once said: “You are my friends if you do the things which I command you” (John 15:14).
David’s Prophecy Regarding Judas
The apostle Peter declared that David issued a prophecy regarding Judas Iscariot. Did he? If so, what are some of the lessons to be learned from that inspired declaration?
The Erosion of Marriage
America is undergoing a serious erosion of one of the most sacred institutions of humanity—that of marriage. Such will continue to eat away at the very vitals of human existence.
The Old Testament and Incense
The Old Testament contains many references to the burning of incense. What lessons does this hold for us today? Let us meditate upon this theme together.
Unpacking the Second Epistle of Peter: Its Authenticity, Themes, and Relevance
This article by Wayne Jackson provides a detailed analysis of the Second Epistle of Peter in the New Testament. It discusses its authorship, themes, and relevance to the Christian faith. The article also explores the controversies surrounding its authenticity and the teachings it presents.
Behold, the Man!
Pilate paraded Jesus before the crowd and exclaimed, “Behold, the man!” (Jn. 19:5). Significantly, this very phrase is found in an Old Testament prophecy that heralds the coming of Israel’s Messiah.
Reductio Ad Absurdum – The Consequences of an Argument
Many have been lead into doctrinal error by what may seem to be compelling arguments. But when the logical consequences of such arguments are entertained, their absurdity becomes apparent.
Responding to Critics on the “Instrumental Music” Issue
In the past we have published several articles dealing with the innovation of using mechanical instruments of music in Christian worship. These essays have generated a flood of critical responses. We have categorized these defensive arguments, and in this article we offer our rebuttal.
A Breathtaking View of the Love of Christ
Because of his overflowing love for humanity, could it be that Jesus chose to forever be identified with us in some way?
Struggling with Life’s Injustices
Is life fair? Many suggest it is not. Good people suffer and “fat-cat” crooks often prosper. Is there any sense to this? Let us reflect a bit deeper than the surface.
Two Questions: Who Died on the Cross? Thee or You?
Some, in leading prayer at the communion table, will refer to God’s death. Is this appropriate? Some allege that it reflects “more reverence” to use “thee” and “thou” in prayer, rather than the terms “you” and “your.” Is there validity in this observation?
Islam’s Denial of the Death of Jesus Christ
Mohammed’s system is vigorously opposed to the facts of the Christian gospel.
Romans 9:22 – Is Eternal Punishment Fair?
Is it fair for God to punish the wicked for all eternity? Some believe that it is not, and have, therefore, developed a doctrinal view that denies this clear warning of scripture.
Don’t Mess with the Target
Spiritually, it is not an easy thing, in a world immersed in wickedness, to live a life dedicated to obeying the law of God.
Is It Wrong to Be Cruel to Animals?
Is animal life sacred? Is it wrong to be cruel to animals?
Some Questions About Greek Grammar
What is the significance of the genitive case, “faith [in] Christ” in Romans 3:22? Why are the verbs “believe” and “confess” in Romans 10:9 in the aorist tense?