A Historian’s Assessment of Ancient Christianity
Edward Gibbon’s monumental work of history provides great insight into early Christianity.
Have You Not Read?
The Bible frequently speaks of the “reading” of the Scriptures, and even the reading of them aloud. Is this mere circumstance, or is there a deeper truth implied in these descriptives?
Satan: Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know, But Were Afraid To Ask
Is Satan an actual living, personal being? What does the Bible reveal about this malevolent enemy of God and man?
The Terror of Death: Causes and Cures
There are numerous examples from history of valiant Christians who went to their deaths as martyrs, singing hymns and happily praising God. How were they able to exude such a joyful demeanor? Whence their sense of fearlessness that seems to elude so many today?
The Use of “Hell” in the New Testament
There is a great deal of confusion among religious folks regarding this word due to the fact that the English form “hell” actually represents three different terms in the Greek New Testament.
Don’t Judge Me!
A common defense mechanism is: “Don’t judge me!” But is all judging condemned in the Bible?
False Ideas Regarding Death
False notions about death permeate society’s thinking. Is death just an illusion? Is reincarnation a reality? Will we recognize each other after death? What about purgatory or speaking with the dead? What does the Bible say about these common beliefs about the dead?
False Ideas about God
While most people (according to polls) believe in “God,” many entertain a variety of false ideas relative to the Supreme Being. This article discusses some of these views.
Be Still and Know That I Am God — Revisited
Sleep: An Evidence of Divine Design
One of the first recorded activities of man in the book of Genesis was “sleep.” Exactly what is this strange experience? Did God design it?
A Response to: “Yes, We Baptize Babies”
All loving parents want their children to be saved. But is infant baptism helping our children reach that goal? Or is it a dangerous and unscriptural practice that should be abandoned?
Behold, Behemoth!
In the concluding portion of the book of Job, God introduces, as an example of his power, the great creature, Behemoth. What was this great creature? Wayne Jackson discusses the various theories offered by way of identification.
The Holy Bible, Inspired of God: A Look at the Evidence
The Bible claims to be the word of God. But is there any evidence that this claim is true? Here’s an article you will want to read and save.
The Spiritual Person
All of us who profess to following Jesus Christ would like to think we are “spiritual” people. But are we? There can be a vast chasm between merely being a member of the church, and being genuinely spiritual.
The Compassion of Christ
Jesus demonstrated compassion for hurting people in his life and in his teaching.
Richard Dawkins: God Hater
Richard Dawkins’s book, The God Delusion, received laudatory praise from the press for his diatribe against religion. Does his arguments against faith in God hold merit? Wayne Jackson responds.
Life, A Precious Gift
Your life on earth is a precious gift. Do not ignore its value; do not squander it in trivial pursuits; do not let it slip away and leave you unprepared. This very day you may wish to contemplate the question: What is your life?
Wilbur Smith’s Remarkable Book
Professor Wilbur Smith’s book, Therefore Stand, created a sensation when it was published in 1945. Largely unknown today, it deserves a resurgence of interest as theological modernism runs rampant in the current world of “Christendom.”
The Necessity and Reality of a Sinless Savior
Was Jesus absolutely sinless? What does the evidence actually reveal? If he was sinless, was this necessary in the divine scheme of things? If so, why?
Atheism: The “No-God” Religion
Atheists claim to the anti-religion, yet they have formed their own “religion.” They are the epitome of inconsistency.