The Value of Waiting on Jehovah
The Bible promises a wide array of blessings upon those who have the patience to “wait upon” the Lord. Consideration of this theme will pay rich dividends.
Unity — Its Aesthetic and Practical Value
There is, perhaps, no greater exhortation to unity, anywhere in the Bible, that surpasses that of Psalm 133.
Is Fasting for Christians Today?
Should Christians practice fasting?
The Demon Frenzy
This article discusses the recent claim by the journal Christianity that demon possession is a present-day reality.
Is Christian Worship Regulated by New Testament Law?
A gentleman affiliated with the Independent Christian Church has argued that Christian worship is not regulated by New Testament law? Does this theory have the support of Scripture?
Did Jesus Confess that His Claims Were Untrue?
The charge is sometimes made that even Jesus confessed that his claim of being divine was not reliable. John 5:31 is appealed to in this regard. What is the meaning of that statement?
The Jesus Ossuary Inscription
Today, archaeology scholars have stunned the world by an announcement that an inscription, possibly bearing the name of Jesus Christ, has been found on a stone bone-burial box in Israel. If the find proves to be authentic, it will provide further striking evidence of the historicity of the existence of Jesus.
The Corrupt “Incorruptible” Argument Against Baptism
A critic has disputed the biblical position that water baptism is requisite for the forgiveness of sins. He contends that one cannot be saved by a “corruptible” method. But “water” is corruptible. Thus, it has no place in the plan of redemption. Does the argument have merit? Read this article and see.
What About the “Sword” of the “Prince of Peace”?
Does the Bible contradict itself when it calls Jesus the Prince of Peace, and then Jesus says: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword”?
Paul’s Passion for Needy Brethren
Paul’s passion for the needy saints of Jerusalem is a concern reflected several times in the New Testament documents. These texts contain interesting facts/lessons worthy of study and application.
This Generation Shall Not Pass Away
Are the visible signs of Matthew 24 indicators of the Lord’s Second Coming or of a conflict that would occur within the life span of “that generation”?
What About Judging Angels, Godfathers and Ezekiel’s Temple?
This week’s Question & Answer segment addresses concerns regarding the “judging of angels,” the practice of appointing a “Godfather,” and the matter of the Messiah and the “temple” pictured in the book of Ezekiel.
Pope Issues Apostolic Letter on 24th Anniversary of His “Petrine Ministry”
On October 16, 2002, John Paul II celebrated the anniversary of his 24th year of service as pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church. News commentators compared this lengthy tenure with that of Peter himself! In this week’s Penpoints, Jason Jackson discusses the alleged connection between the apostle Peter and the man who now claims to be the apostle’s modern successor.
The Siege of Jerusalem
The destruction of God’s own city, Jerusalem, is a vivid warning to you and to me — of but yet another prophecy.
ACU: Stronghold of “Radical Criticism”
Abilene Christian University (Abilene, Texas) is rapidly departing from the strong base upon which it was founded. A reckless breed of mavericks flaunts the new course it has charted.
Eggs for Sale
Just when you think you’ve heard it all, something else—even more bizarre—pops up. This time it has to do with the auction of human eggs on the internet.
The Curse of Religious Diversity
Religious diversity is a curse rather than a blessing.
Why Was Jesus Baptized?
Why was Jesus immersed at the hands of John the Baptizer? Many have a difficult time understanding this pivotal event in the life of our Lord.
We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Often we deceive ourselves, thinking that we can escape immediate consequences. After all, we can change someday — some convenient season. Actually, we can not avoid the destructiveness of habitual sin (Hebrews 3:12-13). Let us learn from several who were caught in the act that we might always take sin seriously.
Separated from My Mother’s Womb
Many fail to appreciate the mysterious operation of divine providence. Paul was quite aware of it.