The Syrophoenician Woman: A Woman of Great Faith
As I was studying recently through the gospel of Mark, I was reintroduced to this wonderful individual — the Syrophoenician woman. I know that we can learn from this episode in the life of Jesus. Consider with me why our Lord described this Gentile lady as a woman of great faith.
Jesus’ Sayings on Sin
Christ taught much about sin, and we would profit from a humble reflection on some of the sayings of Jesus about sin.
Salvation Is from the Jews
Jesus once declared, “Salvation is from the Jews.” What did he mean?
The New Testament Pattern of Giving
Are there any binding ordinances for Christian giving in the New Testament?
B.C. Comic: Free Speech or Hate Speech?
When does one’s expressions of belief become “politically incorrect”? Cartoonist, Johnny Hart, had to answer this question when his recent “B.C.” “Easter” comic strip portrayed an extinguished menorah turning into a cross.
Did Solomon Teach the Doctrine of Soul-Sleeping?
A critic writes to argue that the book of Ecclesiastes teaches that the dead are not conscious. What are the real facts of the case?
What Is Scientology?
Recently Hollywood actor, Tom Cruise, has provided considerable publicity for the movement called “Scientology.” Just what is the nature of this “religion”?
Adam Clarke & Albert Barnes: Scholars from the Past
Adam Clarke and Albert Barnes were famous Bible commentators of a by-gone era. This “human interest” piece discusses some little-known facts about these distinguished gentlemen.
The Rescue of Christ — So-Called
A recently-published book, Rescuing Jesus from the Christians, seeks to throw the spotlight on some of the alleged “errors” in the beliefs and teaching of Jesus Christ. The fact is, Clayton Sullivan, the author, has revealed how very little he knows about Gospel history. Wayne Jackson briefly reviews this new volume.
How Will God Judge Those Who Never Hear the Gospel?
What will be the ultimate fate of those who never have a chance to hear the gospel of Christ? This is a question with which every sensitive soul struggles.
Is God There?
When we are suffering, is God really watching over us? Does he really care?
Does 1 Cor. 3:15 Support the Doctrine of “Eternal Security”?
First Corinthians 3:10-15 is a difficult portion of scripture. Calvinists contend that the passage teaches that though a child of God may suffer temporally for sins, he can never so sin as to be lost eternally. But what does this context really teach? Study this matter with us.
The Dynamics of the Doxology
A “doxology” is an eruption of praise offered to deity. It glorifies God and is a commentary on the piety of the dedicated soul. Study this topic with us in this week’s Penpoints article.
For the Joy that Lay before Him
Hebrews 12:1-2 sets forth the wonderful example of Christ to encourage us as we strive to “run the race.” May we ever follow in his path.
What Does “Amen” Mean?
Occasionally, while the preacher is presenting a lesson, someone in the audience will say, “Amen.” Is this practice in keeping with the Bible? If so, what does “Amen” mean?
Hank Hanegraaff and the “Christian Research Institute”
Over the years the folks at C.R.I. (Martin, Hanegraaff, et al.) have lustily pursued debate encounters with a host of cultists. They have engaged the heretical movements in verbal and written battles time and again, and begged for additional conflicts.
Confronting Islam: Examining the Qur’an
Should we avoid exposing the errors in the Qur’an to spare the feelings of our Moslem friends?
Isaiah’s Prophecy of the Church
Carefully study Isaiah 2:2-4 and absorb the rich truths of this prophecy.
Some Contrasts Between the Nature of the Mosaic System and Christianity
The Mosaic system was preparatory to the coming of the Christian system. While the two systems were complimentary, there are significant differences.
Every Spiritual Blessing Is in Christ
Every spiritual blessing that God the Father gives, he gives to those who are in Christ. Paul identifies in Ephesians 1:3-14 that Christ is the sphere in which God the Father blesses. How important it is to understand how one enters the redemptive relationship with Christ.