Those Significant “Silent Years”
The Bible student is sometimes puzzled as to why much of the boyhood life of Christ is omitted from the New Testament record. This was no accident. Actually, it is a subtle evidence of the inspiration of the sacred record. This week’s Penpoints touches on this issue.
The Sea of Galilee: A Silent Witness
Why does the sea of Galilee’s reputation far exceed its material qualities?
Resurrection: Literal or Merely Symbolic?
When the New Testament speaks of the resurrection, is it speaking of a literal resurrection of the body or merely a “symbolic” resurrection?
The Berkeley Project
This is a review of the Berkeley Project, supposedly designed to clone Jesus Christ.
Why Was John the Baptist Confused?
Why did John the Baptist seem to doubt the identity of Jesus Christ?
Are the Gospel Writers Credible?
Generally speaking, skeptics assert that Jesus did not do the things recorded in the Gospel accounts; they simply invented the stories.
Lord, Teach Us How To Pray
The prayers of Jesus teach us in so many ways. Not only can we learn from what Jesus prayed, but we learn from when, why, and how he prayed. Let us survey some interesting facts about the prayers of Jesus and allow the Lord to deepen our capacity for prayer with the Father.
What Must Be Done?
Jesus had to face rejection, suffer, and die, and then rise from the dead. It was necessary because this was the plan of God. It was necessary that he die for our sins, that God might be just and the justifier of those who have faith in Jesus.
Hebrews 1:4 – Better Than the Angels
The context of this passage makes it perfectly plain that the Lord Jesus is not of the angel class.
The Sweet Fragrance of a Subtle Argument
After Christ was taken down from the cross, Nicodemas, a disciple, brought spices to scatter within the folds of the Lord’s burial wrappings. Certain women also came to the tomb on that Sunday morning, intending to anoint the crucified corpse. What evidence do these accounts subtly supply? Consider this matter with us.
Never Man So Spoke
What made Jesus the greatest teacher of all time? Wayne Jackson discusses the unique and profound way Jesus Christ spoke and taught, emphasizing his divine authority, wisdom, and the enduring impact of his words.
Matthew 11:3 – John Has Doubts
In Matthew 11:3, John the Immerser sends a message to Christ. Did his inquiry express doubt on his part?
A Problem No Skeptic Can Explain
The writers of the gospel testify with their lives to the accuracy and inspiration of the Bible.
Examining the Four Gospels
Why are there four gospel accounts that cover so much of the same material? Are the records harmonious or do they conflict?
Did Christ Abolish the Law of Moses?
Did Jesus say that the law of Moses including Sabbath observance would last until the end of the world?
A Subtle Argument for Bible Inspiration
The authenticity of Christianity is supported by evidence that is brilliantly subtle. An in-depth probe of this theme will inspire awe at the sanctity of the Scriptures.
The Controversy Rages: Mel Gibson’s “The Passion”
Mel Gibson’s motion picture, “The Passion of the Christ,” has ignited a storm of controversy, once again raising the question, “Who was responsible for the death of Jesus of Nazareth?” This week’s Penpoints explores this “hot” topic.
What Is a Publican in the New Testament?
Jewish tax collectors were hated in the first century. But Jesus loved them anyway, and they form the basis of an interesting profile study on Christ’s ministry.
The Crucifixion of Christ
A study of the crucifixion of Christ in the light of history, archaeology, and prophecy yields a greater appreciation for this seminal event of human history.
For the Joy that Lay before Him
Hebrews 12:1-2 sets forth the wonderful example of Christ to encourage us as we strive to “run the race.” May we ever follow in his path.