How Does this Man Know “Letters”?
“How does this man [Jesus] know letters, since he has never learned?” (John 7:15). This text has puzzled many Bible students? How could Christ have so amazed the multitudes with his teaching if he had “never learned”? Study this passage with us.
Lessons from the Catacombs of Rome
The catacombs located beneath the city of Rome are a wonder of antiquity which reveal much about the early adherents to the Christian faith.
The Growing Anti-Christian Sentiment
Legal authorities in New York City have fought against “Christian” symbolism in the city’s public schools, while defending the presence of both Jewish and Islamic symbolism. Some see this as an accelerating wave of antagonism against the Christian faith?
Be Confident of Your Salvation – Studies in 1 John (Part 2)
Because of who God is, what He has done, and what He continues to do, we can walk in the light, being confident as Christians and sure of salvation. This is part 2 of a two-part study on John’s first epistle.
A Remedy for Troubled Hearts
Unquestionably, there are things we cannot change. We can, however, learn to survive by immersing ourselves in a deep and sustained biblical faith.
Was the Lord’s “Second Coming” in A.D. 70?
A major problem with the A.D. 70 doctrine is in explaining clear Bible passages which depict the Lord’s return in a visible manner, which did not occur, of course, in A.D. 70.
What Is the Significance of the Fish Symbol?
What is the significance of the fish symbol?
The Crucifixion of Christ: The Real Emphasis
Mel Gibson’s movie, “The Passion of the Christ,” continues to generate controversy —especially the prolonged scenes of violence. How does this emphasis compare to the Gospel accounts of the death of Christ? Read this week’s Penpoints for a discussion of this matter.
S. D. Gordon’s “Dispensationalism”
Was the death of Jesus Christ a part of God’s eternal plan for human salvation? Amazingly, some have contended it was not—contrary to the explicit testimony of Peter (see 1 Peter 1:19-20).
A Jewish Rabbi Converts to Christ
Jesus’ introduction to Nicodemus in John 3 contains rich treasures for those patient enough scrutinize the few passages.
Acts 8 – Philip Preached “the Christ”
Several passages in Acts provide us with first-century examples that help us to understand what it means to “preach Jesus.”
Judas Iscariot: From Apostle to Apostate
Known as a traitor, Judas also was counted among the apostles before his notorious betrayal of Christ.
Roman Catholic Professor Denies the Resurrection of Christ
A Roman Catholic scholar, Professor Thomas H. West, has renounced the doctrine of the resurrection of Christ in a newly published book. There is nothing fresh in his approach. It is the same old infidelity that has been around for centuries.
Preacher Attempts to Walk on Water and Drowns
It is a sad occasion when a sincere but misguided persons attempts to “walk by faith,” but that “faith” is not grounded in the word of God. The following article illustrates this grim reality.
A Skeptic Disputes the Resurrection of Christ
A former college professor has recently disputed the historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ. His comments are a good example of the weakness of skepticism’s case. In this article, Wayne Jackson reviews his assertions.
Rich Nuggets in Romans 14:9
Tucked away in Romans 14:9 are some rich nuggets of truth that will enhance your faith.
A Dispute About the Purpose of Baptism
Several questions and comments have been recently received relative to some of our material dealing with the purpose of “water baptism,” as that theme is set forth in the New Testament. Accordingly, in this Feature article, we wish to address a reader’s obviously sincere concerns.
Were the Pharisees Able to Exorcise Demons?
Christ and his apostles were able to “cast out demons” to demonstrate the power of God. Were the Pharisees able to accomplish the same feat? Study this question with us.
What Is the Morning Star of Revelation 2:28?
What is the “morning star” promised to the faithful who overcome?
How Did the Samaritan Woman Know About the Messiah?
A Samaritan woman told Jesus that she knew about the coming Messiah. How did this lady know this fact?