Does the Expression “the Eleven” (Luke 24:33) Constitute an Error?
Some claim there is a mistake in Luke’s record of Christ’s initial post-resurrection appearance to his apostles. The historian mentions “the eleven,” when there were only ten. Judas was dead, and Thomas was not present. How is this problem to be resolved?
What Does “Makes Her an Adulteress” Mean?
Whenever folks discuss Christ’s restrictions on marriage and divorce, this question frequently arises. What is the meaning of the phrase “makes her an adulteress” in Matthew 5:32? Wayne Jackson answers this question.
Building Character before the Concrete Sets
The time to work on your child’s character is when they are young, not old.
What About the Baptism of Young Children?
How old should a child be before he is allowed to be baptized? Are we immersing some who are too young? What are some of the guidelines by which responsible decisions can be made?
Where Did the Seven Sacraments Come From?
What is the actual history of the Seven Sacraments?
Seven “Laws” to Pray By
Does the privilege of prayer apply equally to every one? Are there limitations on objectives for which one may pray? Are there conditions regulating the effectiveness of prayer? Let us reflect upon these challenging questions.
The Growing Trend of Performance Worship
Does the Bible specifically address the issue of the growing practice of “worship-drama”?
Matthew 2:19-20 – The Death of Herod the Great
What Is Baptismal Regeneration?
Exactly what is “baptismal regeneration”? Is this doctrine scriptural?
Was Christ Raised from the Dead on Sunday or Saturday?
What day was Jesus actually raised on? Sunday or the Sabbath?
A Bible-Believing People
Your attitude toward the Scriptures determines how God’s Word will influence your life.
The Papacy and Mark’s Significant Omission
The Roman Catholic Church teaches the dogma of the “primacy of Peter.” Does the Gospel of Mark hold a key piece of evidence pertaining to this controversy?
Was Paul’s Theology Consistent on “Conversion”?
Those who teach that salvation is solely by faith, without further acts of obedience, have a difficult time reconciling Paul with himself. Study this matter with us.
Is Evidence Needed For Faith?
Is there a valid connection between evidence and faith? Or is “faith” a wispy, feel-good emotion that simply “leaps” into the dark, and believes based upon a sort of “holy hunch”?
The Biblical Concept of “Time”
What is the biblical concept of time? In this article, we explore several ideas associated with time from a biblical perspective.
Do the Events at Cana Justify the Worship of Mary?
Is has been said that at the marriage feast in Cana of Galilee, Mary made a request of Jesus, and that he obeyed. This is supposed to show that she is worthy of praise and worship due to the influence she exercises over her Son. What are the facts?
Can You Feel the Love?
Some of the most mean-spirited people in the world are those who “ooze” with that sickening sentimentality that talks of love while demonstrating everything but. Why don’t you take a few moments and, over our shoulder, take a look at some of our mail?
Why Do Some Theologians Reject Biblical Inerrancy?
The notion that the Scriptures are inspired of God yet contain errors in matters pertaining to history, geography, and nature is absurd.
Please Explain 1 Peter 3:21
Does baptism come before or after the salvation contemplated in 1 Peter 3:21?
Was David Really a Man After God’s Heart?
How can God describe David as a man “after my own heart” (1 Sam. 13:14; Acts 13:22) when he did all of those wicked things that are recorded in the Bible about him?