Can You Feel the Love?
Some of the most mean-spirited people in the world are those who “ooze” with that sickening sentimentality that talks of love while demonstrating everything but. Why don’t you take a few moments and, over our shoulder, take a look at some of our mail?
Paul’s Instruction to the Saints of Crete
Paul’s admonishment of the Cretan Chrisitans, through Titus, provides a marvelous synopsis of the redemption process.
Babies: Those “Awful” Creatures!
Why would someone claim that babies are awful creatures?
Does 1 Cor. 3:15 Support the Doctrine of “Eternal Security”?
First Corinthians 3:10-15 is a difficult portion of scripture. Calvinists contend that the passage teaches that though a child of God may suffer temporally for sins, he can never so sin as to be lost eternally. But what does this context really teach? Study this matter with us.
Is Christ’s Coming Very, Very Soon?
An article, widely circulated in newspapers around the country a while back, announced that Jesus was coming “very, very soon.” Allegedly, “signs” in the Bible indicate such. In this week’s Question & Answer column, we respond to this baseless assertion.
The Support of Gospel Preachers
Some preachers are pampered and unquestionably not worth what they make. On the other hand, there are others who simply are not treated fairly—consistent with the principle of the Golden Rule.
How Can I Be a Better Bible Student?
People frequently want to know how to be better students of God’s word. In this article, Wayne Jackson provides some very practical suggestions.
A Highly Recommended New Book
Read this review of an important new book that is a virtual library of information on Christian evidences.
Are the Narratives of Paul’s Conversion Repetitious and Contradictory?
A critic asserts that the three different records of Paul’s conversion, as recorded in the book of Acts, are irrelevantly repetitious and even contradictory? Does the charge really hold up? Consider this matter with us.
Contend Earnestly for the Faith
What does “contending for the faith” mean?
Five Probing Questions about Faith
Does your definition of faith match with the Bible definition of faith?
Denominationalism: Permissible or Reprehensible?
Many folks within the domain of “Christendom” applaud the system of “denominationalism.” But does the “denominational” principle have the approval of Scripture?
Three Dimensions of Love
The greatest commandment ... love.
What Is Faith in Christ?
What is faith? Is it merely trusting Jesus to save you? Or is action necessary for a believer to be pleasing to God?
May Christian Women Teach Christian Boys?
May Christian women teach a Bible class in which some of her students may be young boys who have become Christians? Some strongly object to this. But is the objection valid? This article addresses this sensitive topic.
Benevolent Work in the Mission Field
It is a wonderful thing when Christians rush to the assistance of others during times of disaster. But do we always think clearly about the way we implement these efforts? A word of caution surely is in order. One aspect of this issue is addressed in this week’s Penpoints column.
Paul’s Passion for Needy Brethren
Paul’s passion for the needy saints of Jerusalem is a concern reflected several times in the New Testament documents. These texts contain interesting facts/lessons worthy of study and application.
Was the Fruit of the Vine Fermented?
What should be the nature of the fruit of the vine used during the Lord’s supper?
The Battle at Baylor University
This is a commentary over the battle currently taking place at Baylor University over the issue of creation science.
How Did Paul Learn about Jannes and Jambres?
In his second letter to Timothy, Paul mentions two men, Jannes and Jambres, who withstood Moses. Who were these men, and how did Paul know of them, since they are not named in the Old Testament?