Amos 1:1-2:3 — Judgment upon the Nations
The judgment pronounced on pagan nations by Amos the prophet point to the accountability of all people to the laws of God.
The Theological Implications of the Trial of Jesus – Part 1
Did Jesus receive a fair trial? Part 1 of this study examines the nature of the Lord’s path through the legal system of the time.
Is the Genesis Creation Account Poetry?
Some suggest that Genesis 1 and 2 are not literal accounts of actual history. Instead, much of the narrative is poetic, with elements of history embedded. But what does the evidence show?
THE GOLDEN TEXT: A Study of John 3:16
John 3:16 is often called the “golden text” of the Bible. Many hold this passage very dear. Tragically, the text is more often than not misunderstood. In this study, we take a close look at this amazing passage.
Disney: The Mouse Betrayed
Disney power-brokers deny “official dealings” with members of the “gay” community, but the evidence is overwhelming.
What About the Bible and Slavery?
Does the Bible condone slavery? If so, how does the Christian reconcile this with the biblical concept of the intrinsic worth of every human being as a creature made in the image of God?
Congregational Autonomy: Not a Shield for Error
The Scriptures teach that each congregation of the Lord’s body is under self-rule, but with limitations. Sadly, some do not recognize these limitations and jeopardize their fidelity to sound doctrine.
What Is the Meaning of “Corban”?
What did Jesus mean in Mark 7:11-12 when he condemned the Pharisees’ practice of “Corban”?
The Death of Matthew Shepard
Shepard was a twenty-one-year-old student at the University of Wyoming. He openly professed homosexuality. Apparently, he was lured from a bar and taken to a remote place; there he was tied to a fence, pistol-whipped, and left exposed in the cold. Eventually, he died.
Are the Gospels a Part of the New Testament?
Some allege that the Gospel Accounts—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—reflect Old Testament legislation, and therefore these books do not constitute an authoritative body of instruction for Christians. This article addresses the fallacy of this kind of reasoning.
Why Does Hebrews 8:13 Use the Present Tense?
Some Bible students are puzzled that the writer of Hebrews uses present tense forms (8:13) to depict the passing of the Mosaic law. How are these to be explained in light of Bible teaching elsewhere that the law of Moses was abolished by the death of Christ (Eph. 2:15)?
Satan: Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know, But Were Afraid To Ask
Is Satan an actual living, personal being? What does the Bible reveal about this malevolent enemy of God and man?
Galatians 4:4-5 – The Fullness of Time
The conditions of the first century world attest to the wonderful planning of God.
Did Paul Sin in Submitting to the Temple Ritual?
One of the most controversial contexts in the book of Acts has to do with Paul’s activity in the Jerusalem temple, as recorded in Acts 21. Did the apostle violate the law of God in “purifying” himself in that ritual? Some so claim, but is this a necessary conclusion?
1 Corinthians 6 – No Shield for Lawbreakers
A discussion of whether a Christian can appeal to civil law in a defense against another Christian
Don’t Mess with the Target
Spiritually, it is not an easy thing, in a world immersed in wickedness, to live a life dedicated to obeying the law of God.
Does Psalm 22 Prophesy the Crucifixion of Christ?
A critic has charged that Christians have manipulated the text of Psalm 22 to foreshadow the crucifixion of Christ. What are the facts of the matter?
May I Divorce My Wife and Remain Unmarried?
When is divorce permissible? May a marriage partner divorce his or her spouse simply because they have tired of the marriage? Is “authorization” from God required for a divorce? Study this challenging issue with us.
Prophetic Portraits of the Messiah
The Old Testament has much to say about Jesus Christ. The following outline will prove helpful in learning more about our Savior.
Does the Bible Conflict with Itself in the Matter of Incest?
Some make the claim that the Scriptures are in conflict in the matter of the morality of incest. But the allegation is false.