What Is Adultery?
Several years ago, it would hardly have been necessary to discuss the meaning of “adultery.” Now many believe that adultery is merely the act of repudiating one’s marriage vows, rather than unauthorized sexual conduct involving one who is married.
The Preacher’s Private Life: Study Habits
Our great need today is “prophets” — not promoters, pushers, psychologists, and pleasers. In this presentation, Wendell Winkler discusses the answer to this need — study.
An Analysis of Romans 14
The fourteenth chapter of Romans is a marvelous treatise in which the inspired apostle encourages the strong to assist the weak so that the cause of Christ might be united. It contains such rich lessons for the church of today.
A Problem No Skeptic Can Explain
The writers of the gospel testify with their lives to the accuracy and inspiration of the Bible.
Mark 11:20 – Jesus Curses a Fig Tree
Does Jesus’ cursing of the fig tree in Mark 11 reveal a “dark side” to the Savior? Not at all. Wayne Jackson explains this curious passage.
Was God Cruel to Animals?
This is a response to those who may be critical of God for his command to Israel that they hock the horses taken in battle.
Mark 7:19 – Unclean Meats
Many religionists still hold that there are unclean meats that should not be eaten. What does the New Testament teach?
Christianity and World Religions
The eastern mystic religions are growing in popularity. But are all religions created equal?
Flesh and Blood Did Not Reveal It
Is there any evidence that Jesus really was the Son of God?
The Incredible Accuracy of the Bible: An Argument for Inspiration
Human writers often make careless errors, however, the Bible does not. The precision of God’s word is evidence of its divine origin.
The Little Horn of Daniel’s Sea-beast
Exactly who, or what, was this infamous “little horn”?
Translating Bapto
Why do most modern translations use the word baptize, an anglicized Greek word, rather than translating the Greek word into English?
A Study of Romans 14
Romans 14 is an intriguing piece of literature. Often misunderstood and frequently abused, it offers much instruction for the spiritually minded student.
The Unique Case of Cornelius
The conversion of Cornelius in Acts 10 contains valuable lessons for today.
News Story Focuses Spotlight on Aspects of Mormonism
The sensational news story regarding the return of the kidnapped Salt Lake City teen has caused public attention to be focused upon certain aspects of Mormon doctrine. This week’s Penpoints article highlights a couple of these issues.
Does the Case of Cornelius Prove the “Sinner’s Prayer” Doctrine?
Does God grant pardon to the “alien sinner” by means of prayer? Some suggest that the case of Cornelius (Acts 10) supplies an affirmative answer. This week’s question explores this issue.
Exploiting Human Weakness: A Look at Vice Taxation
Christians need to oppose wrong-doing on the basis of principle, rather than capitulating to compromising crumbs thrown to us from the tables of politicians.
Did You Vote?
How can you really help change the direction of our nation? By following this simple plan.
The Silence Argument
Is the “silence of the Scripures” authoritative. The Bible itself states that it is.
Who Was the Good Samaritan?
The parable of the Good Samaritan has echoed down the corridors of time for the past 2,000 years. What makes it so memorable?