A Study of Last Things
The term “last” is applied to several different things in the New Testament. There are valuable lessons for you to think about embedded in these descriptions.
Reflections on the Goodness of God
It is such a comfort to know that God is a Being of perfect goodness. Reflect on these aspects of his goodness.
Destructive Criticism and the Old Testament
The investigations of “higher critics” have proceeded along lines buttressed with biased presuppositions that are grossly inaccurate, and which have been repeatedly and thoroughly discredited by reputable scholars.
A Review of Recent Arguments for Women Preachers
Influenced by society, many are looking for New Testament authority for expanding the role of women in the body of Christ.
Radical Criticism and “Christian” Education
What is “radical criticism” and how has this philosophy affected “Christian” colleges and universities? This theme is addressed in this week’s Penpoints.
Questions for God
A survey in USA Today reports the most popular questions people would like to ask God. Most of these questions have already been answered within the pages of his Holy Book.
The Philosophy of John Calvin
John Calvin was a tremendously influential person in Protestant history. But his Institutes reveals his philosophy towards the Holy Scriptures. Is this philosophy worthy of emulation?
The ACLU – Bible Enemy No. 1
What a perverse operation it is, when the ACLU uses the Bible—which it detests so much—as a money-raising scheme for its God-dishonoring agenda.
May Christians Observe Holidays?
May a Christian be involved, in any way, with holidays that have pagan origins?
Are Some Sins Excused?
In his letter to the Christians in Rome, Paul describes a certain level of human activity as “inexcusable” (Rom. 1:20). Does this imply that some conduct, even that which is bad, is “excusable”?
Are Christians Required to Lift Up Holy Hands?
Should Christians raise their hands when praying?
Haggai 2:7 — The Desire of the Nations
Did Haggai refer to Christ as the “desire” of the nations? Study this passage with us.
The Art of Writing
Bible critics do all within their power to discredit the validity of the sacred text. Years ago, the claim was made that the Scriptures are in error in their claims that “writing” was common in the days of Moses. Those charges have long since vanished. Consider this brief study with us.
Help Me, Doctor!
Perhaps the most amazing thing about this procedure is the floodlight it casts upon the “person” inside the womb.
Did God Ask Moses To Be Deceitful?
Critics of the Bible sometimes claim that God once asked Moses to act in a deceitful way when dealing with Pharaoh. Is this accusation fair?
The Harshness of the Old Testament Era
Some have strongly criticized the Old Testament for the “harshness” that characterized some of its laws and practices. Let us briefly consider this matter.
God Made No Distinction
Peter affirmed that God “made no distinction” between Jews and Gentiles with reference to the matter of salvation. In other words, both Jews and Gentiles were to be redeemed in precisely the same fashion.
Those Significant “Silent Years”
The Bible student is sometimes puzzled as to why much of the boyhood life of Christ is omitted from the New Testament record. This was no accident. Actually, it is a subtle evidence of the inspiration of the sacred record. This week’s Penpoints touches on this issue.
The Folly of Following Polls
We have become a nation driven by polls. Polls are taken to determine practically everything—from what sort of food Americans prefer, to whether or not the president should be impeached.
A Rabbi Argues with Jesus—and Loses!
The “Rabbi” imagines meeting Jesus face-to-face on a dusty road in Galilee nearly two thousand years ago.