Praying for the Dead
In times of great crisis, people cry out to God in prayer. While this is understandable, prayers for the dead are both futile, and contrary to biblical truth.
The Philanthropic Nature of Christianity
The arrival of Christianity provided refreshing encouragement of love-of-fellowman to a time that was marked by the lack of philanthropy.
Who Is in Control of Death?
When a Christian loved one dies, folks often say, “God called him home.” Yet scripture seems to say that the devil has the “power of death” (Hebrews 2:14). Who does cause death?
Daniel’s Prophecies: Encouraging and Enlightening
Through divine intervention and revelation, God communicates a timeless message through the prophet Daniel – He is in charge and rules in the kingdoms of men. Combined with the book’s immense apologetic value, the study of Daniel is faith building in many respects. Our confidence in Scripture is increased; our conviction regarding God’s plan in the world is strengthened.
When Goodness Is as the Morning Dew
The prophet Hosea described ancient Israel’s goodness as like the morning dew. What did he mean by this strange analogy?
Ants: God’s Amazing Creatures
Ants are amazing little creatures. In many ways they exhibit “design,” hence argue for a Creator who designed them for their various functions.
The Beasts of Revelation 13
The Holy Scriptures: Verbally Inspired
The Scriptures are either inspired by God or they are not.
God’s Plan of Salvation for His Lost Children
How can a fallen away Christian be restored to fellowship with Christ and his church?
The Value of Youth to the Cause of God
Youth can accomplish magnificent things for the Master’s cause. But do we always recognize this? Here are some striking examples that demonstrate God’s confidence in youth.
A Study of Samson: Faith and Folly
Though the case of Samson is at times perplexing, the Hebrew writer included the judge in a list of “heroes of faith.” A consideration of this Old Testament character yields valuable lessons.
The Value of Human Suffering
In spite of our reluctance to admit it, pain and suffering has some value.
Three Dimensions of Love
The greatest commandment ... love.
The Creation Week—Reflections on Genesis
This article is a listing of some of the many truths to be discovered from a study of Genesis chapter one.
Why Do People Refuse to Come to Jesus?
Jesus once proclaimed, “You refuse to come to me that you may have life” (Jn. 5:40). Why do some people refuse to come to Jesus?
Who Was John the Baptist?
Who was John the Baptist? What was his relationship to Jesus?
A Skeptic Disputes the Resurrection of Christ
A former college professor has recently disputed the historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ. His comments are a good example of the weakness of skepticism’s case. In this article, Wayne Jackson reviews his assertions.
Resurrection: Literal or Merely Symbolic?
When the New Testament speaks of the resurrection, is it speaking of a literal resurrection of the body or merely a “symbolic” resurrection?
Does Exodus 21 Sanction Abortion?
It is sometimes claimed that Exodus 21:22-23 provides evidence that a fetus is not entitled to the same legal protection as the mother, and, therefore, is not treated as an equal “person.” Is this an accurate exegesis of the text?
Is the Bible Obsolete?
Is the Bible obsolete since it was written so long ago and the world has changed so much?