Did Isaiah Prophesy the Virgin Birth of Christ?
What is the truth about Isaiah 7:14? Did Isaiah prophesy about a “virgin” or a young maiden? Was he talking about something in his day, or was he speaking of the birth of Jesus? Was Matthew mistaken?
Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
An in-depth study of the interesting encounter between Jesus and an unnamed Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well recorded in John chapter four.
Jesus Christ – A Family Portrait
In addition to being the Son of God, Jesus of Nazareth had a human family. A consideration of family details is a thrilling and rewarding investigation.
Radical Criticism and “Christian” Education
What is “radical criticism” and how has this philosophy affected “Christian” colleges and universities? This theme is addressed in this week’s Penpoints.
Does Luke 17:31ff Predict the Destruction of Jerusalem?
Luke 17:31ff has been a confusing text to some Bible students. Does this section of Scripture refer to the destruction of Jerusalem (A.D. 70), or to the final Coming of Christ? This context is examined in this week’s Q&A segment.
Luke and the Old Testament
Though the New Testament writer Luke was a Gentile, surprisingly his Gospel account reveals a significant knowledge of the Old Testament scriptures. Reflect upon this fact with us.
The Roman Catholic – Jewish Compromise
News sources report that a recently published document from Roman Catholic scholars attempts to promote a compromise between Jewish and Christian views regarding the Messiah? What is the basis of this ecumenical attempt?
Zechariah 6:12,13 – The Royal Priest
The book of Zechariah teaches important truths about the Messiah. Study it with us in this week’s Margin Notes.
Alan Dershowitz, Jesus Christ, and Logic
Alan Dershowitz praised Jesus very highly as an enlightened Jewish rabbi, then added: “He’s just not my Messiah.”
Who Was John the Baptist?
Who was John the Baptist? What was his relationship to Jesus?
What Does “Amen” Mean?
Occasionally, while the preacher is presenting a lesson, someone in the audience will say, “Amen.” Is this practice in keeping with the Bible? If so, what does “Amen” mean?
The Marvelous Book of Jeremiah
The book of Jeremiah is one of the longest books of the Old Testament. It is also one of the most thrilling. In this article, we wish to give the reader an “Introduction” to this remarkable sacred narrative.
Three Great Facts about God
There are many wonderful truths regarding God upon which the sincere soul should meditate. In this article we consider but three. Reflect upon these with us.
False Ideas About Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is the most renowned person of human history? That being true, why are there so many false ideas circulating about him? Because people have biases and they “reinvent” a “Jesus” after their own presuppositions. In this article we review some of the bizarre theories.
Was Jesus the Son of God Eternally?
There is a popular belief that Jesus Christ was the Son of God from all eternity. But is that theory correct? The following study argues otherwise.
Christianity Today Editor Just Doesn’t Understand
An associate editor of has severely criticized the teaching methods of Jesus. In doing so, he has reflected upon himself far more than he has the Lord.
False Charges Against Christ
Jesus Christ – The Righteous Warrior
The most common impression of Jesus is that of a loving, tender, compassionate Savior. But there is another side to that “coin” — the one portrayed in Revelation 19:11ff.
The Gospel in Miniature — In the Book of Revelation
The book of Revelation ignites a confidence in the soul of every child of God — of any century. What a thrilling ray of hope this must have generated in the hearts of those early, suffering saints. Truly, it is the “gospel in miniature.”
Portraits of the Christ
The book of Hebrews is a marvelous treatise revealing the superiority of Christ and his New Covenant system over that of the preparatory Mosaic regime. The first chapter presents some fascinating portraits of the Lord Jesus.