The Doctrine of Open Theism
What Must I Know To Be Saved?
Unlike some other religions, the validity of Christian faith rests upon what we believe about the gospel of Christ. But what exactly must one know to become a child of God? Let’s explore these thoughts in this brief article.
Uniqueness of the Biblical Creation Record, The
The ridiculous creation fables of mankind only serve to emphasize the genuineness of the Genesis account of the beginning.
Luke 11:50 – The Earth, Mankind, and Jesus Christ
Evolutionists claim the earth is much older than mankind. What is the Lord’s position on that topic?
Prophetic Portraits of the Messiah
The Old Testament has much to say about Jesus Christ. The following outline will prove helpful in learning more about our Savior.
Zechariah’s Amazing Prophecy of the Betrayal of Christ
Bible prophecy is one of the most powerful evidences of the divine origin of the Scriptures. Here is a truly remarkable prophecy from the book of Zechariah.
Sleep: An Evidence of Divine Design
One of the first recorded activities of man in the book of Genesis was “sleep.” Exactly what is this strange experience? Did God design it?
The Gospel Writers and Their Quotations from Jesus
When the Gospel writers cite the words of Jesus, they frequently vary their terminology. This is troubling to some. Is this circumstance cause for concern?
Is Suicide the Answer?
Suicide has reached almost an epidemic stage in this country. Many view it as an easy “exit” from this life of hardship and heartache. But is it?
The Law of Moses: Some Metaphors Considered
A consideration of several biblical metaphors used of the law of Moses.
Three Dimensions of Love
The greatest commandment ... love.
Identifying the Church of the New Testament
Is it possible to rediscover the church of the New Testament in today’s world? Many sincere people have never considered this possibility. But is it possible?
Are Multiple Containers Prohibited in the Distribution of the Lord’s Supper?
Are multiple cups (containers) prohibited in the distribution of the “fruit of the vine” during the Lord’s day communion service? Some sincere folks so contend, but what does the evidence actually indicate? Study this question with us.
New Book: Seven Things A Loving God Hates
Allen Webster’s new book is a valuable study on Jehovah’s attitude towards those often quoted “seven things” he hates. We highly recommend this as a welcome addition to your library.
The Truth on Baptism Should Not Be “Watered Down”
Baptism is a controversial subject in the religious world. How should it be performed? Who is a proper candidate for baptism? What is the purpose of baptism? Conflicting answers abound. Throw in a mix of emotions, and it seems even more confusing. Jason Jackson responds to a sincere reader and looks at the New Testament in order to clearly define this important topic that gets “watered down” by so many religious leaders.
What Does the Bible Say About Ash Wednesday?
What is Lent and Ash Wednesday? Are these religious observances found in the Bible?
Jeremiah 7:31 – Does “Silence” Prohibit?
Many claim that if the Bible does not explicitly prohibit a practice, then man is left to innovate his own religious system. But what does the Lord say about those who practice such things that he “commanded not”?
The Doctrine of Eternal Punishment
The truth regarding eternal punishment.
The Earth: A Planet Plagued with “Evil”
Though the earth was once a paradise, it is now a planet plagued with “evil.” Why are there so many problems within our earthly environment? Study this challenging issue with us in this month’s Feature article.
Scientific Foreknowledge in the Bible
Evidence of scientific foreknowledge in the Bible points to the original author—God!