Three Precious Lessons from the Book of Ruth
The story of Ruth ... and three precious lessons from this memorable book from the Old Testament.
A Subtle Argument for Bible Inspiration
The authenticity of Christianity is supported by evidence that is brilliantly subtle. An in-depth probe of this theme will inspire awe at the sanctity of the Scriptures.
Unpacking the Second Epistle of Peter: Its Authenticity, Themes, and Relevance
This article by Wayne Jackson provides a detailed analysis of the Second Epistle of Peter in the New Testament. It discusses its authorship, themes, and relevance to the Christian faith. The article also explores the controversies surrounding its authenticity and the teachings it presents.
Sleep: An Evidence of Divine Design
One of the first recorded activities of man in the book of Genesis was “sleep.” Exactly what is this strange experience? Did God design it?
Is the Apocrypha Inspired of God?
Why the Apocryphal books don’t belong in the inspired canon of Scripture.
A Survey of the Major Prophets
The Major Prophets represent the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel.
Lessons from the La Brea Tar Pits
This article is a discussion of the fossil evidence found at the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles.
You’ve Heard of the Patience of Job
Job serves world-over as an example of perseverance despite limited knowledge. But when that knowledge is “The Lord is compassionate and merciful,” it is enough.
When Was the Book of Revelation Written?
When was the book of Revelation written?
Did Matthew Fabricate the Account of Herod’s Slaughter of the Bethlehem Infants?
Skepticism and the “Uniformitarian” Principle
Skeptics dismiss miracles and the operation of divine providence by appealing to the uniformitarian principle, i.e., the present is the key to the past. However, when the atheistic agenda is at stake, exceptions to the uniform operations of nature are allowed. Study this matter with us in this week’s Penpoints article.
The Value of Modesty
Is modesty a lost virtue? Can it be regained?
The Age of Insensitivity
Apathy grips our national conscience.
Jesus and Laughter
An atheist’s laughable attempt to criticize the Lord’s teaching is exposed.
Does Ezra Deserve Criticism?
After the return from Babylonian captivity, Ezra commanded certain men to put away their foreign wives. A professor in a Christian college has criticized the man of God for this action. Is the censure justified? Let’s take a look.
Does the Requirement of Baptism Compromise the Immutability of God?
Does the fact that God did not require water baptism for the remission of sins under the Mosaic system indicate that baptism must not be obligatory under the New Covenant? Does this compromise the Lord’s “immutability”? Study the question with us.
Looking for God in All the Wrong Places
Have you ever heard of a “Christian Bar”? Jason Jackson considers the ethics of an “anything-goes” approach to evangelism.
The Church Needs More Wise Guys
Many of life’s important lessons are found in the book of Proverbs. Although the basic truths contained therein are found elsewhere in the Bible, the Proverbs of Solomon are often vivid phrases that need to be memorized and recited when necessary. This study demonstrates the value of the book of Proverbs by looking at the opening statements of the book itself.
The Vision of Obadiah
Obadiah is the shortest Old Testament book. This small book has, amazingly and providentially, survived more than 2500 years, and while it contains a message of judgment for an ancient neighbor of Israel, it has many relevant messages for us today.
A Brief Study of the Word “Kingdom”
Biblical words may have varying senses, depending upon the context in which they are found. A brief study of the term “kingdom” is a good illustration of this principle.