Who Was the Good Samaritan?
The parable of the Good Samaritan has echoed down the corridors of time for the past 2,000 years. What makes it so memorable?
Elijah, Prophet of Confrontation
Elijah was one of the great prophets of Old Testament history. Like all of us, he was a man of mixed qualities. Overall, he contributed significantly to the unfolding of Heaven’s plan of redemption.
Understanding Forgiveness
We must try to master the art of forgiving—for others’ sake, and for our own.
What Is Truth? — A Question for the Ages
A careful investigation of the biblical text provides a powerful antidote to the postmodern confusion which alleges that truth is subjective, elusive, and ephemeral.
Command or Culture: Discerning the Difference
What is a command in the New Testament and what is merely cultural and not binding today?
The Divine Pattern of Acceptable Worship—Part 2
What is acceptable worship? This article is the second in a two-part series.
Identifying the Church of the New Testament
Is it possible to rediscover the church of the New Testament in today’s world? Many sincere people have never considered this possibility. But is it possible?
The Role of Woman
There are those in the body of Christ who are clamoring that women must throw off the yoke of male domination and claim their rightful place in the Lord’s kingdom.
Who Is Paul’s “Man of Sin”?
Who is the sinister “man of sin” mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2?
The Mandate for Christian Unity – A Study of Ephesians 4:1-6
Why is there so much religious diversity in the world—or even in the community of “Christendom”? Surely such is not the ideal will of God. Let us consider this theme most carefully.
Demons: Ancient Superstition or Historical Reality?
Both the Bible and ancient documents refer to demons. But was demonic possession an historical reality or merely a superstition from unenlightened days?
Will Heaven Be on Earth?
There is a popular view that “heaven” will be on “earth,” after our planet has been purged by fire at the end of time. This theory is wholly without merit and results from a failure to understand the symbolic nature of several passages of scripture.
Job, Behemoth, and Dinosaurs
The Righteousness of God Revealed
The book of Romans is magnificent in that it reveals so many aspects of the “righteousness of God” (1:16-17).
Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
An in-depth study of the interesting encounter between Jesus and an unnamed Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well recorded in John chapter four.
A Study of Heaven
Heaven will be a wonderful reward for those faithful to God. Unfortunately the biblical teaching on this theme has been grossly perverted in numerous ways. Study this great topic in this article.
Psallo and the Instrumental Music Controversy
Over the years, some of those who support the use of mechanical instruments of music have appealed to what is known as the psallo argument.
History of Instrumental Music
Though the use of mechanical instruments of music in worship are common in both the Catholic and Protestant communities of "Christendom, " most people do not realize that this function was unknown to the churches of the apostolic age. Rather, the practice was an innovation that came centuries after the establishment of Christ’s church, and such was wholly without New Testament authority. Noted scholar William Woodson discusses this digression in this month’s Feature article.
The Indestructible Church of Christ
Some allege that the church of Christ, as established on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2), has not existed in an unbroken line since that time. The allegation is false if the testimony of Scripture is dependable.
The Art of Writing
Bible critics do all within their power to discredit the validity of the sacred text. Years ago, the claim was made that the Scriptures are in error in their claims that “writing” was common in the days of Moses. Those charges have long since vanished. Consider this brief study with us.