God’s Care For His People
Some interesting facts that illustrate God’s special care and concern for his people.
Advice to Aspiring Writers
Some friendly advice to aspiring Christian writers from a man of experience.
Was Paul Mistaken in Galatians 6:10?
A Christian lady has suggested that Paul was mistaken when he recommended benevolence, first to Christian, then to non-Christians. Is the criticism reasonable?
Please Explain 1 Timothy 5:24-25
A puzzling passage that contains great wisdom for church leadership.
Is Fasting for Christians Today?
Should Christians practice fasting?
Why Did God Make Mosquitoes?
Is the mosquito a legitimate example of a “silly” creation?
Should We Lift “Holy Hands” When We Pray?
In his first letter to Timothy, Paul uses the expression, “lifting up holy hands” (1 Tim. 2:8). Does this suggest that one should hold up his hands when praying? Wayne Jackson addresses this question.
Esther 9:26 – Purim
The Jewish feast of Purim has its origin in the book of Esther.
Some Wise Words from Zophar
Zophar, one of Job’s friends, was a fierce critic of the patriarch of Uz. Many of his charges were unjust. Occasionally, however, he uttered meaningful truth. This brief article discusses one such episode.
Agape — A Christian Husband’s Obligation
In this article, Jason Jackson considers the divine imperative, “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself up for it” (Eph. 5:25). A husband, living like God wants him to live, will learn to love his wife according to Christ’s example, giving himself selflessly for her spiritual needs. That is agape — a Christian husband’s eternally rewarding obligation.
Isaiah 20:1 – Isaiah: Right Again!
Archaeology, once again, confirms the accuracy of the biblical record.
Are You Homophobic?
The “Gay community” is “in your face” these days, foisting their agenda of perversion upon a largely unsuspecting society. Progressively downward we seem to spiral, toward an abyss of amoral corruption. In this week’s Penpoints, Jason Jackson responds to the oft-repeated charge of “homophobia.”
Concerning Dogs and Hogs
Christ once warned against giving that which is holy to dogs, and casting pearls before swine. But how many heed his admonition?
Ethical Guidelines for Writers
This article discusses some of the ethical guidelines that Christian writers should follow.
David Hume and Miracles
Philosopher David Hume failed in disproving the veracity of biblical miracles, but succeeded in revealing the emptiness of his agnosticism.
Will a Properly Trained Child Never Go Wrong?
If a child is trained correctly, can he ever go wrong? What is the “rod” of correction?
What Are You Looking for in a Church?
Moving into a new community? Having a life-altering crisis? Children growing up in a wicked society? Thinking about a church? Many people are; unfortunately, however, too many are looking for the wrong things.
Dealing with Mail
E-mail, regular mail — what will it be today? Let me give you a small sample of the frustrations associated with writing. It’s not a problem of enormous magnitude — we deal with it. Occasionally, however, it’s good to “vent.”
May I Divorce My Wife and Remain Unmarried?
When is divorce permissible? May a marriage partner divorce his or her spouse simply because they have tired of the marriage? Is “authorization” from God required for a divorce? Study this challenging issue with us.
A Note from Richard Dawkins