When Does a Human Person Begin?
Does a human person begin at conception, uterine implantation, viability, birth or at some point after birth?
Our Universe: An Amazing Machine
Our amazing universe is a wonderful, intricately designed machine.
The Belly Button Argument
A gentleman recently attempted to negate the divine proclamation that God made heaven and earth, and everything therein, in six days (Exodus 20:11). His argument can best be characterized as “belly button” logic. We here review it briefly.
A Tough Journalist Looks at the Case for Christ
Lee Strobel became convinced that the evidence for the identity of Jesus as the Son of God is rock solid. His book is the record of his intriguing journey from atheist to believer.
Why Do Men Reject God?
Most people in the world, throughout the ages of history, have believed in some concept of a Supreme Being. Since unbelief is neither reasonable nor the norm, one cannot but wonder why some people become atheists.
Are the Gospel Writers Credible?
Generally speaking, skeptics assert that Jesus did not do the things recorded in the Gospel accounts; they simply invented the stories.
Steve Allen’s Attack upon the Bible
This article, originally published in 1993, addresses the book written by popular songwriter-comedian, Steve Allen (1921-2000), Steve Allen on the Bible, Religion, and Morality.
Babylon: A Test Case in Prophecy—Part 2
Part two of a two-part series examining the ancient city of Babylon and its role in Bible prophecy
National Center for Science Education & Evolution
The charge that evolution “is in danger of being banished from our schools” is a lie—a lie being perpetrated for the sole purpose of attempting to raise money.
Bertrand Russell and Christianity, Part 2
Part two in a two-part series on Bertrand Russell’s reasons why he rejected Christianity
Atheistic Religion in the Classroom
In spite of frequent cries for the separation of church and state in our public school system, a great deal of religion has been smuggled in under the guise of science.
The Anthropic Principle
This article discusses the so-called anthropic principle, i.e., the idea that earth’s environment was created for the sake of mankind.
Psalm 19, Scientifically Accurate
Critics often criticize figurative language in the Bible as being scientifically inaccurate. But even “scientists” use figurative language from time to time. In spite of poetic language, Psalm 19 does contain some descriptions of the sun that are scientifically precise.
The Hope of Immortality
Man has ever entertained the hope that there is more to human existence that the experiences of earthly life. Even skeptics have a difficult time quenching this desire.
Who Made God?
A commonly asked question is this: “Who made God?” Some ask the query sincerely. Others frame it cynically. The answer is the same in both cases.
False Charges Against Creationism
Bee-havior Points to God
For centuries bees have been the objects of careful study by scientists. They are amazing creatures indeed (the bees that is), bearing the imprint of divine design in so many ways.
Modern Psychology and the Bible
Exactly what is “psychology” and how does this area of interest relate to the Bible?
Timothy McVeigh’s “Invictus”
Timothy McVeigh is dead. His ashes were secretly deposited into Earth’s bowels, to return to the dust whence they came (Gen. 3:19; Eccl. 12:7). His soul has entered a new domain where there is no place for arrogance, defiance, or “coping” with the environment (Lk. 16:23ff).
Jesus’ Prophecy and the Destruction of the Temple
Shortly before his death, Christ informed his disciples that the Jewish temple would be destroyed, and not one stone would be left upon another. Some claim the prophecy failed. What are the facts?