Why Couldn’t Jesus Perform Miracles in His Hometown?
When Jesus came to Nazareth, Mark says at that time, “And he could there do no mighty work” (Mark 6:5). If Jesus was truly the Son of God, why does it say he could not perform miracles in his hometown?
In What Sense is Humanity in the Image of God?
The Bible speaks of humankind as being in the “image” of God (Gen. 1:26). In what sense is the term, “image,” employed in this text?
Did Matthew Blunder?
Matthew, in appealing to a prophecy, seems to attribute it to Jeremiah, whereas the Old Testament has it in the book of Zechariah. Critics, in characteristic fashion, have charged Matthew with an error.
The English Standard Version
Wayne Jackson reviews the new English Standard Version translation of the Bible.
Where Did the Different Races Come From?
A frequently asked question is: “Where did the different races of mankind come from?” For many years evolutionists contended that racial differences were the result of different lines of evolutionary development. This theory has been thoroughly disproven. The Bible presents an entirely different viewpoint.
Profanity – A Biblical Assessment
The Bible does not lay down a prohibited vocabulary list, but it certainly contains guidelines that will assist the devout person in using speech that is well-pleasing to the Lord and to others.
The Tower of Babel: Legend or History?
The book of Genesis is a narrative dealing with “beginnings,” as the title of the document indicates. One of the beginnings in Genesis is the record of how human beings came to speak different languages.
Who Controls the Kingdoms of This World?
Is there a contradiction between Daniel and Luke as to who is in control of the kingdoms of men?
Romans 1:20 – The Testimony of Creation
As the inspired Paul affirms to the Romans, the natural world around us points to the existence and attributes of the Creator.
Nahum 1:1 – The End of Nineveh
Discover the historical background behind the Old Testament prophecy of Nahum.
Romans 1:27 — The Consequences of Perversion
The “due recompense” which the apostle Paul spoke of regarding sexual perversion is chillingly evident in the world today, as it was even in Old Testament times.
Psalm 139:14 – Wonderfully Made
The language of this passage affirms that the human body is a work of intricate design and therefore could not have arisen by mere accident.
1 Timothy 2:4 — Salvation through Knowledge
This striking passage clarifies the connection between one’s knowledge of the truth and his salvation.
John 11:3,5 – Jesus, Lazarus, and Agape Love
The account of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead helps us to understand the significance of agape love.
1 Timothy 1:16 – Believe unto Eternal Life
The Bible explicitly teaches that immersion is “for the remission of sins” (Acts 2:38).
When Does a Human Person Begin?
Does a human person begin at conception, uterine implantation, viability, birth or at some point after birth?
The Death of Sennacherib: A Case Study in Prophecy
An amazing prophecy fulfilled in defense of Jerusalem from an Assyrian invasion.
Did Christ Undermine His Own Credibility?
Jesus once said: “If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true” (John 5:31). What did the Lord mean by this puzzling statement? Certainly not what some critics allege.
Jesus Christ: Approved, Disapproved, and Proved
On the day of Pentecost, Peter preached Jesus — his approval by God, his disapproval by men, and the proving of his claim by his resurrection.
What Is the Meaning of “Pluck Out Your Eye”?
Did Jesus literally say we should pluck out our eye if it offends us?