Obsessive Personalities
An obsession is a persistent, compulsive preoccupation with something. It could be a person, an idea, or desire. The New Testament condemns addictive, obsessive behavior as a spiritual abnormality.
Be Confident of Your Salvation – Studies in 1 John (Part 1)
Because of who God is, what He has done, and what He continues to do, we can walk in the light, being confident as Christians and sure of salvation. This is part 1 of a two-part study on John’s first epistle.
Command or Culture: Discerning the Difference
What is a command in the New Testament and what is merely cultural and not binding today?
Was Jesus the Son of God Eternally?
There is a popular belief that Jesus Christ was the Son of God from all eternity. But is that theory correct? The following study argues otherwise.
The BBC’s Theory on the Biblical Plagues
England’s most famous broadcasting facility, the BBC, has just released a TV special which attempts to explain the biblical plagues (visited upon Egypt in the days of Moses) as nothing more than a series of purely natural events. But will that analysis stand the test of critical examination? See for yourself.
What Are the “Tongues of Angels” in 1 Corinthians 13:1?
Does the Bible sanction a speaking in “tongues” that involves the utterance of “ecstatic” sounds that are understood only by the speaker and God? Sincere Pentecostal folks answer in the affirmative. They contend that these indiscernible sounds are the “tongues of angels” (1 Cor. 13:1). This article demonstrates that there is no support for such a view in the Corinthian text.
Is the Bible Obsolete?
Is the Bible obsolete since it was written so long ago and the world has changed so much?
He Forsook the Treasures of Egypt
A discussion of the faith of Moses who forsook the treasures of Egypt
The First Woman Apostle — So-called
A recent book alleges that Junia, a woman, served in the first-century church as an “apostle” — along with Peter, Paul, and the others. But what are the facts in this matter?
Ishmael or Isaac? The Koran or the Bible?
Did Abraham offer Ishmael or Isaac? The Bible and the Koran differ on this issue. Which book is really divine revelation? Does it matter?
Agape — A Christian Husband’s Obligation
In this article, Jason Jackson considers the divine imperative, “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself up for it” (Eph. 5:25). A husband, living like God wants him to live, will learn to love his wife according to Christ’s example, giving himself selflessly for her spiritual needs. That is agape — a Christian husband’s eternally rewarding obligation.
If We Never Meet Again
In a farewell to the Ephesian elders, Paul reminded the brethren of his life and ministry among them (Acts 20:18-21). In what Paul believed to be his last opportunity to see them, he recollected former days to encourage their fidelity in the future.
Was Christ Mistaken About His Second Coming?
Bertrand Russell once claimed that Jesus, if he ever really existed, was obviously wrong about his second coming. Was the atheist correct?
Jeremiah 50:24-32 – Babylon: Humbled by God
Babylon was destroyed for her pride. Jeremiah accurately prophesied this monumental event in ancient history.
Reasoning from the Visible to the Invisible
Can one know that God exists? Can he know that he has been saved? If so, how? “Reason” with us on this important topic.
Why Do Some Theologians Reject Biblical Inerrancy?
The notion that the Scriptures are inspired of God yet contain errors in matters pertaining to history, geography, and nature is absurd.
Why Do You Refer to Israel as Palestine?
Is it proper to use the name “Palestine” for the territory of Israel today?
Who or What Were the Seraphim?
Who or what are the seraphim mentioned in Isaiah 6:2, 6?
Can You Feel the Love?
Some of the most mean-spirited people in the world are those who “ooze” with that sickening sentimentality that talks of love while demonstrating everything but. Why don’t you take a few moments and, over our shoulder, take a look at some of our mail?
Atheism and the Historical Christ
Some atheists reject the very existence of Jesus of Nazareth. But is this lack of belief based on a reasonable examination of the evidence? Not in the least.