The Biblical View of Death
What does death involve? This terminal human experience can be a frightening prospect indeed if one is unprepared for it.
New Expository Dictionary of Bible Words
Stephen Renn’s new Expository Dictionary of Bible Words is now available. Read Wayne Jackson’s review of this new Bible study tool. It will be a welcomed addition to the serious Bible student’s library.
Do Romans 6:3-4 and Galatians 3:26-27 Refer to Spirit Baptism?
Is Christian baptism to be administered by men or by the Spirit? Some believe that Holy Spirit baptism is in view in Romans 6:3-4 and Galatians 3:26-27. But will this idea stand the scrutiny of sound biblical interpretation?
What Does the Bible Say About the Rapture?
What is the Rapture theory all about? And what does the Bible say about this fantastic “end-time” event? Is it real or merely a fictional idea?
Does John 6:37 Teach Calvinist “Predestination”?
It is commonly alleged that Jesus, in John 6:37, endorsed the idea of “predestination” as popularized by John Calvin in the 16th century. Did he? Study this question with us.
False Charges Against Creationism
Please Explain 1 Peter 3:21
Does baptism come before or after the salvation contemplated in 1 Peter 3:21?
What Is the Meaning of “Pluck Out Your Eye”?
Did Jesus literally say we should pluck out our eye if it offends us?
Did Jesus Repudiate His Divine Nature?
Some claim that Jesus, in his conversation with the rich, young ruler (Mk. 10:17-18), denied that he possessed the nature of deity. What is the truth of this matter? Study this controversial passage with us.
Why Was Jesus Baptized?
Why was Jesus immersed at the hands of John the Baptizer? Many have a difficult time understanding this pivotal event in the life of our Lord.
Some Questions about Divorce and Remarriage
Occasionally we receive questions on the topic of divorce and remarriage. We cannot give unequivocal answers regarding cases wherein we cannot possibly know all the facts. However, we can deal with certain principles.
Foundational Truths Regarding Marriage
Is “marriage” a divinely designed institution, or is it a human invention? Let us see where the evidence lies.
The Incredible Accuracy of the Bible: An Argument for Inspiration
Human writers often make careless errors, however, the Bible does not. The precision of God’s word is evidence of its divine origin.
What Is the Meaning of Matthew 10:23?
Matthew 10:23 is a difficult text that has generated much controversy among Bible students. Just what is the meaning of the Lord’s statement, that the apostles will not have evangelized all the cities of Israel, “till the Son of man comes”? Wayne Jackson discusses this problem in this week’s Question segment.
Jesus Christ and the “I Am” Expression
The Ethics of Human Cloning
How does one evaluate the ethics of the practice of human cloning?
Does the Case of Cornelius Prove the “Sinner’s Prayer” Doctrine?
Does God grant pardon to the “alien sinner” by means of prayer? Some suggest that the case of Cornelius (Acts 10) supplies an affirmative answer. This week’s question explores this issue.
How Did Paul Learn about Jannes and Jambres?
In his second letter to Timothy, Paul mentions two men, Jannes and Jambres, who withstood Moses. Who were these men, and how did Paul know of them, since they are not named in the Old Testament?
Be Still and Know that I Am God
The admonition, “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psa. 46:10), is often misunderstood. In this brief article, Jason Jackson explores the meaning of the sacred text.
Is There Scientific Proof of Joshua’s Long Day?
Is the so-called scientific proof for Joshua’s “long day” reliable?