The Siege of Jerusalem
The destruction of God’s own city, Jerusalem, is a vivid warning to you and to me — of but yet another prophecy.
What Is the Eternal Sin?
Jesus once spoke of an “eternal” sin, for which there is no forgiveness. What was that sin? Can it be committed today?
The Biblical Doctrine of the Godhead
Since the late second century A.D., controversy has existed concerning the nature of the Godhead. Is God a solitary person—simply manifested in three forms? Or do three separate personalities exist, each of whom possesses the nature of deity? Is the popular doctrine of the Trinity true or false?
Judas Iscariot: From Apostle to Apostate
Known as a traitor, Judas also was counted among the apostles before his notorious betrayal of Christ.
A Survey of Interbiblical History
Between the end of the Old Testament era, and the commencement of the New Testament period, four centuries passed. During these times important events transpired that impacted the commencement of Christianity. Every Bible student should familiarize himself with this history.
Let Your Light Shine
By reflecting the influence of Christ in their lives, Christians lead others to glorify their Father who is in heaven.
Was Christ Mistaken About His Second Coming?
Bertrand Russell once claimed that Jesus, if he ever really existed, was obviously wrong about his second coming. Was the atheist correct?
An Abused Passage — 2 John 9
Both the liberal left and the radical right have seriously distorted 2 John 9 to support their causes. What does this passage mean, and how does it relate to modern religious controversy?
What About Mechanical Instruments of Music in Christian Worship?
A sincere Christian wants to know: “Why don’t churches of Christ use instruments of music in their worship?” The issue comes down to the matter of authority. Take a look at this theme with us in this week’s Question and Answer.
Attacking God’s Plan of Salvation
Scholarly sources may be helpful, but good Bible students recognize any human source can be biased or flawed. God’s Word is the ultimate standard of faith and practice.
Is God “Schizoid”?
A writer suggests that the “God” of the Old Testament is harsh, while the “Christ” of the New Testament is gentle. This circumstance, he alleges, constitutes a conflict with reference to the nature of God. Does it? Examine this issue with us.
A Survey of the Major Prophets
The Major Prophets represent the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel.
A Tale of Two Cities
Why are some receptive to the gospel, and others so hostile? A case study of two groups may help to clarify the problem.
The Bible Doctrine of Sanctification
The term “sanctification” is used rather loosely in the community of “Christendom.” What does the Bible really teach about this important theme?
The Fear of Death
While it is the case that as long as we are in the flesh, and constantly harassed by death, there will always be some degree of “uneasiness,” in view of the victory accomplished by the Lord, we can approach the inevitable with spirits that are more tranquil.
1 Peter 1:1-2 – Foreknowledge
When 1 Peter 1:1, 2 is seen in concert with related biblical material, the doctrine of election is removed from the confusing fog of sectarian dogma.
Why Did Jesus “Curse” the Fig Tree?
The New Testament records an episode where Jesus “cursed” a fig tree. Many people are disturbed with reference to this incident. What is the meaning behind this strange circumstance?
Are Multiple Containers Prohibited in the Distribution of the Lord’s Supper?
Are multiple cups (containers) prohibited in the distribution of the “fruit of the vine” during the Lord’s day communion service? Some sincere folks so contend, but what does the evidence actually indicate? Study this question with us.
Armageddon: The Next of the “Left-Behind” Series
A Simple Study of the Word “If”
One of the first forms of logical reasoning that children learn is the significance of the particle, “if.” Unfortunately, many forget the meaning of the term in adulthood — especially in religious matters.